A Couple Of Peaches: Lexi & Sara, Living Their Best Lives...
Published on 02 Jun 2024 / In
Lifted from: Midwest Safety
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We interrupt the arrest of this drunk driver to bring you this other arrest of a completely different drunk driver...
Females only drive when they're drunk now, apparently. Keep that in mind while you're out there, buzzin' around.
Liberation has made them so happy and pleasant. It's going to be more difficult to maintain the toxic male narrative with all these fembots exploding all over the place. Doesn't matter that they keep it from the news when people are watching with their bare naked eyes.
That first dude talking to the cop when she came crashing through immediately thought "today is my lucky day!"
Femon cops should deal with femon suspects only as they are completely unhinged and play the victims all the time
30 seconds in...... Oh god......
About 5 major points.....
Evolving from her.
Children with tits!
Officer : What's your name ? Lexi : Highwheel , Lexi Highwheel .