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A deleted Bill Gate video revived, that they don’t want you to see

Published on 10 Feb 2023 / In Film & Animation

40 seconds plus - "what browsers in the market were you concerned about?
"I don't know what you mean "concerned""
That is the exact moment that you lean over the desk, grab him by the throat and turn his face into a pulp.

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40 seconds plus - "what browsers in the market were you concerned about?
"I don't know what you mean "concerned""
That is the exact moment that you lean over the desk, grab him by the throat and turn his face into a pulp.

Why - that is a sleazy scumbag junky kind of a bullshit head game....

It's like coming home early and some fucker is standing half way in / out of the front window - and they have an arm full of your shit under each arm....

And they say, "Yeah ah ah - I found your stuff out on the street and I was putting it back inside for you...."

Sure - "Bang, Bang, Bang!"

"And I was just protecting you from getting killed by the thief...."

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Longshanks 2 years ago

I live in a condominium which was full of older people before the plandemic. When the jabbers came to my door to tell me it was time to get jabbed I calmly said "I'm alright." They pretended to not hear and said a bunch of drudgeries again and I repeated with a slightly excited tone "I'm alright." It's like they were able to see the motions I'm advance (I had my knife behind my back as I stood behind the door crack and spoke to them outside. They looked at each other and changed their tone to appreciation and let me know there were free jabs downstairs if I wanted. It's like they thought of what might happen next and decided to course correction. Maybe because I was would be towering over them of I came out, maybe because I was too calm. Something gave it away. If everyone was armed and could be dispatched by friendly samaritans on the street, everyone would be so well behaved. You never know when you could be dispatched. So best to be at your best.

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@Longshanks: You must always consider, "If Jesus came across Jesus, who was planning to kill all these mass murderers, what would Jesus do?"

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Longshanks 2 years ago

Talking about creating a problem AND owning the solution to that problem - I dunno how true this is but in Brazil they want to put vaccine dessenters away for almost a decade. I dunno man Brazil is hot, and it's kinda fun to live in the jungle. They're tempting too many people to begin their own jabbing campaigns. Each person has lots of lovely medicine to administer via combat knife. And these medical business kunts are in such desperate need.

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LordFishStick 2 years ago

Bill Gates is fully aware of the damage he and his foundation have caused, ALL those who are the cause of the pain and misery of the world WILL pay for it in HELL, unless they change their course it's going to be a one way ticket for them.

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joc22 2 years ago

Gate is an asshole

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