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A deleted classic Mr. Elite video (fake crying over a pretend friend)

Published on 13 Mar 2020 / In Comedy

Mr. Elite removed this masterpiece Feb. 17, 2020. After a few cheap beers he breaks down telling us a story about a friend of his...who never reached out to him or call him until three years later once he had marriage problems. He knew Elite would listen to him over a few cheap brews at twin peaks home of the simple bitches (Elites words/lingo) His friend was on the run from the cops after his 13 year old step daughter called the cops on him. According to cult fake mgtow cesspool she was caught smoking in their home. Step daddy lost it and shoved her pants down and spanked a 13 year old girl on her bottom. Elite was angry for his friend that how dare he wasn't allowed to spank the bum of a teen. At the end Elite breaks down (with no tears of course) crying that now as his so called friend is on the run....he now may lose his rights to a gun and won't be able to protect himself.

As a leo woman I'm told I can be dramatic when upset...look somehow Penny was on the floor once in tears in school LOL (Grades matter ya'll). Well Scorpio Elite has Penny beat as he has many videos of melt downs and fake crying and sometimes real crying after several beers.

Yet Elite has compassion for his son who harmed his ex girlfriend then a teen who didn't feel right about having her butt spanked when no one was home. No 13 year old should be smoking, but a better way exist about things.

Thanks to mgtow Tv Mr. Elite a fake mgtow can live on here forever.

Little unknown fact. Because Elite assumed I was his girlfriend (Long story) after he made this video he called me asking me what did I think? I said bravo! LOL.

Now problem is Mr. Miles trying to see if he has a chance with me. He's not a popular fake mgtow for me to pretend with. No one cares about who he is as a person. RPOS thats a maybe. These fake mgtows need to get out and be exposed.

Again thanks Mgtow Tv for giving Mr. Elites classics a second home. He has this video removed. Only exist here as of now.

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I'm at the worst in my mental health worth anything. I should've not quit smoking weed because there is nothing really good left to go to the future towards.

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PennyMgtow 5 years ago

Weed made things better?

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@PennyMgtow: My mom doesn't want me to have and I told her every strain works differently.

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@PennyMgtow: I fucking hate the government so much. Worth anything mutual aide shouldn't get in the way of me buying my own place because housing is a human right.

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@PennyMgtow: I'm a commie I hate the government.

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A true commie.

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@PennyMgtow: They lied about solving the homeless problem in my area, its all bullshit. Statist always talk shit out of their fucking mouths like the parasites that they are!

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@PennyMgtow: Psychiatry has ultimately McFucken failed everyone of us because they never worked on stem cell research. No wonder Asia demonizes western medicine.

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PennyMgtow 5 years ago

@BlackPilledBeltMonkkido: So true!

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PennyMgtow 5 years ago

@BlackPilledBeltMonkkido: Homeless rates getting worse :(

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@PennyMgtow: Yeah if I were homeless I would kill myself without thinking twice.

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PennyMgtow 5 years ago

@BlackPilledBeltMonkkido: Please don't do it.....Not the answer.

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@PennyMgtow: Alright.

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PennyMgtow 5 years ago

@BlackPilledBeltMonkkido: (Heart emoji)

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