A Femons Requirements For a Man
Published on 01 May 2023 / In
Film & Animation
Link to News item: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/....weird-news/picky-wom
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Hey, I support feminism! Nothing has freed more men: Well, except WW2, but that freedom them of their bodies or "meat suits."
With this one, meet it at the airport fuckit in the toilet's and leave on the next plane out - "To anywhere"! lol!
Must not eat SPICY? does that mean when he is banging it he should let a spicy fart go? lol! We used to call that Passion Killing! lol! Are you ure these two list are her's and not made by her SHINK in her first Psych appointment? lol! Some one wanting that much apart from being noticeable insecure, doesn't really deserve any one of those request's or should that be ?DEMANDS? she's a "NUTTER" and sadly all to common out their in our Broken World, because femon's like this BROKE it! TALLER THAN ME - That's an east one she's Japanese, everyone is taller than her! Must NOT have "Damaged Goods retun Label's" - Namely Tattoo's. Anyone with tattoo's especially femon's is DAMAGED GOOD's in my book
That's what this delusional Sociopath wants from MEN, but what has she got to give MEN in return? Obviously NOT PUSSY if she even still has that on offer its boring and not worth the effort! lol! whatever a femon would want from ME will have to be truthfully offered by the femon to ME. It's called Pair bonding something femon's have no idea of anymore, feminism destroyed that as it destroyed Femon's and wakened the MAN to the true nature of CUNT! lol! Personally whatever the basis I would NEVER trust a femon ever again, along with politic's and religion as well, oh! add Science to that as well. My only trust a belief system is in my own intuition from here on in.
Now for the experiment should any man want to bother: Make this exact same list except make it a man's list of requirements for a woman he wants. Even leave the stuff about queers and feminism in- the rest of this list when flipped will send most women into trigger mode.