A Frigid and Unfuckable Brain Dead Feminist figures out how to finger her self after lots of therapy.
Published on 16 Apr 2022 / In
Film & Animation
A feminist comedy video - it's funny because of all the guys in it.
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I decided to rescue this video from the bottom of the garbage bin of history....
I remember this from a long time ago...
And in recently reviewing it again.
a) She is OLD - as in infertile... hit the wall and crashed through.
b) She has NO man, NO children, NO home, and she is SINGLE.
c) She has not had a fuck in a LONG LONG LONG time.
d) She is house sharing with other people - at her age.
e) She isn't getting laid, she has no dildos or vibrators, and she doesn't masturbate.
f) When she has to see a THERAPIST about the cobwebs in her cunt, and;
g) She is TRAUMATISED at the idea of masturbating AND that everyone else is doing it.
h) AND it's a major fucking issue to go to the sex shop and buy a fucking dildo / vibrator.
i) Going to the sex shop to buy a vibrator is such a total fuck up of an event - and she is the total fuck up creating the drama.
j) And in terms of things to fuck - she hasn't even used her fingers or a cucumber etc.?????
Like what the fuck is going on inside this idiots head?
Then once she gets the vibrator - she has to go confess to her house mates that she has got one.
AND - she then has to make a mini move about it... and tell the whole fucking world.
Yay - Feminisim. The idiots keep getting more stupid.
The old woman in the wheelchair got me. Lol.
Get use to it Ladies ...
Men are walking away and its your fault ....
That bitch actually thought that this was worthy subject material to make a movie out of! wow!
01:16. Females do not Need to masturbate. Their idea of "masturbation" is literally just getting fucked by a guy. Because it is so easy for them, the thought of masturbation, seems ridiculous. It is only the primary source ot release, foe men, because it is Very difficult for men to secure a sexual partner.
Women do Not even realize what it is like to be undesirable. They ALWAYS have some men available for them to call up.
Amazing... Just Amazing.
So a woman has to jerk herself off? Now, that's equality...