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A Gash Equals Cash - MGTOW

Published on 25 Jul 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Adam and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, huge fan I am hoping you can talk about women on twitch & how they prey on their viewers for money. I had a bad experience with a creative streamer (a painter) back in the day that is able to get her way without wearing the tits or booty shorts. She lucked out simply by having an attractive face but her creative work really isn’t great & her following is fake. Thank you for reading. Well Adam thanks for the donation and topic. I wish you had sent me more information to talk about. I'm tired of talking about today's Twitch Thots and Cam Girls. It's a popular topic and we all know what's up with women draining those simp bank accounts without having to drain their dicks. But where is all of this heading? What's the future of the Twitch Thot and what technology will they be using in the future to help extract cash from gash starved men? Maybe the not so mystery link which is a Sci-Fi Short Film: "Hashtag" can point us in the right direction? I'll get to that in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the video. So the not so mystery link is about a woman, the most popular celebrity cam thot in a future world. She loses her mind and goes from having 800 million subscribers to zero and you can see the post dopamine crash that she gets after she violates the platform policy by not posting everytime she's being prompted to. This short film isn't very realistic because according to her handlers she spends 22 hours working and four hours sleeping. We all know that female social media personalities have the best of both worlds. The get more attention and money than men do that do the same thing while only having to work a third or as quarter as much. So a future twitch thot working for 22 hours straight isn't going to happen unless she's enhanced technologically to stay up that late and have chemicals pumped into her to maintain that sort of production schedule. The woman in the short film is sometimes how I feel being on the daily content production treadmill. It's been six and a half, almost seven years of making videos without a break. As I'm mentioned before I want to get to the ten year mark and then see how I feel. The creators of this sci-fi short film write the character named X or Gigi Edgley as man. She's working like a man non-stop and when she receives a letter asking her "Do You Question?" and some guy shows up in her holographic room she starts to lose it. She also gets asked the question does your cage exist? which is what most people don't realise about social media and online content production. You get trapped by the dopamine rush and you keep running on your treadmill to keep it coming. The tag line for this short film is "In a looming future where social media celebrities dominate our culture, “X” (Gigi Edgley) is the world’s supreme online icon—but how far must she go to hold on to her popularity?" She's written as a male protagonist because she realises she's been trapped. That's something a guy would do. Not a woman. The attention would be just too irresistable. She wouldn't violate the Celebrity franchise handbook on the social platform she's on. Taih the artificial intelligence turns against her within thirty seconds when she's no longer doing what the platform wants.

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A123AnonUK 4 years ago

Hi, Sandman.

I have some horror stories regarding my friend with benefits that would keep your channel going for a month along with some being all time classic content, but (as her spiteful actions have destroyed her life), what good would it do by anonymously telling the MGTOW the dirty details.


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UnwillingVillian 4 years ago

The irony of the situation is beautiful. Every time some simp mangina white knight tries to shame me for not being #metoo bait, I use logic, reason, & verifiable statistics to objectively point out that he has nothing but cuckservitive political dogma. I never get tired of seeing the look on their faces.

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jamesmgtow88 4 years ago

You are god among mgtow sandman , thanks more than ever

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