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A Letter to my Future Husband - YouTube

Published on 27 Nov 2021 / In Film & Animation

The best thing about Frew's videos is having watched, them, it's more like watching plague bacteria under a microscope. There is a great deal of educational material about the borderline psychotic here, and all the things to look out for, and the reasons for avoiding her and nothing else.

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Oh shit no - I was thinking about inviting you all to join in, to create an analysis group, to work out and share our insights into the ideas going around inside the heads of assorted women - to learn from each other, how to read them, where what they say, and how they say it, is a mismatch, with thier intent and scincerity.

Georgia Frew is a veritable cess pit of conflict and bullshit - a veritable mind fuck of the higher magnitudes.

By independently watching this video, and writing up moment by moment notes, of what we see, what we hear, and the gut feelings, and the good vibes and bad vibes, and the discrepancies we detect or things that don't add up, AND then comparings our notes and insights with the notes and insights of others, we learn of our common observations, and thing that others detect or pick up on, that we did not.

It is kind of like checking bank balances, "Hang on a second, the decimal point has been moved one place, and the 2 digit system, doesn't show the third figure behind the decimal point.

e,g. 155,867.45 has changed to 15,586.74

Doing the same kind of detailed personality profile analysis and how she thinks, and what she says and what she does, elevates your consciousness into the astral plane - so to speak.

It's useful.

So who is interested in doing this on a weekly basis? Via a zoom meeting?

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Ratherbefishing 3 years ago

Don't go on the interweb enough to commit mate but I do find these insights into other peoples thought processes interesting. However, I have a shed, many tools and the fish are aculamating before spawning as the water warms up.

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@Ratherbefishing: Yeah the best thing about Frew's videos - is after the initial viewing, it's not having to watch them ever again. I mean she IS worthy of scrutiny and detailed analysis... sort of like watching plague bacteria under the microscope... BUT aside from regarding this as an educational resource, there is not a lot of "Oooo she is nice" in it. It's just fucking crazy and out of here material.

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sauger1001 3 years ago

Wonder if she said the same thing on IG or Onlyfans?

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Yeah she had that look about her like she wanted to throw in her career and go whoring, starting with a webcam.... The longer she was on the web, the crazier her broadcasts became, especially about fucking.

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Ratherbefishing 3 years ago

I'm on the fence with this one. This the wimmins was thoroughly mindfucked by femicommunism, basically had no social life in pursuit of career, achieved multiple goals and then had an epiphany and realised she had been lied to her entire life about Men.
Like many of the wimmins she struggles with reality and 'fee-fee's', has been surrounded her whole life by femicommunists and hard line communists,(university), but in her defense,(no fucking White Knighting her either), at least she is trying. She knows the window of fertility is closing and probably longs for a 'traditional' relationship.
his is her venting her insecurities, longings and fantasies to the world - something no sane person would ever do but then she is a the wimmins.

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