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A MAN refuses to pay for what SHE chose to BUY and EAT.

Published on 01 Aug 2022 / In Film & Animation

⁣Patrice O'Neal - Don't Let Women Waste Your Time

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It's hard for loser women to accept that they have no intrinsic value.

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Anonymous100k 2 years ago

I would not pay for her food either. I don't date women anymore. I have 2 beautiful Latin sex dolls and I'm very happy now.

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sauger1001 2 years ago

Wow. $42 of food just for her (wonder if she's a landwhale)?!? Clearly she was using him as a foodie date. Props to him for setting her straight. If she was really into him, they wouldn't be at a restaurant. Maybe his place, maybe walking in a park, or a motel.

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He was blunt, straight to the point and while it didn't appear to be "very nice" - she wasn't very nice in the first place - she was a scummy free loader.

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Max_Dominate 2 years ago

She ate $42.74 worth of food. Damn, you fucking cow.

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He ate $15 worth.... and she's done an all you can eat, stuff your face, free loading feed, comes too..... Hmmm fuck her. I'd be having the calculator running in my head if she came to sit with me as well and was a selfish ingrate.

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eldrazi317 2 years ago

The last part of that video about a traditional relationship… all I heard is — be a pack mull. However the video was good. That guy didn’t give two shits about that whore.

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I didn't - well non of us saw the whole thing, but she possibly came across as only going out on a date for a free feed... and nothing else. It's pretty crappy - so I think he was entirely justified in being a hard arse and just fucking her off.

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eldrazi317 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: My first Sorry, my first part refers to that guy at the end of the video who talks about being a traditional man. I’m personally against being anyone’s pack mull. As for the guy standing up for himself against that whore— I think he did the right thing. Sometimes you need to be an ass hole in order to protect yourself from being manipulated.

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@eldrazi317: Pack Mule..... https://i.pinimg.com/originals..../6e/fb/5a/6efb5a0d3d

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