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A Meaningful life, is it better than a Happy life

Published on 23 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

Is a meaningful life better than a happy life? it kind of suggest it's a choice? What is meaning? waht is living for that matter? I'm happier than I've ever been before in my life, yet I cant really say my life has any meaning depending on how you look at it. i wake in the morning either with a plan for the day or a blank page, but I can be sure that by the time I go to bed at the end of that day, I would have achieved at least one worthwhile thing, and "I'm" happy with that. In todays shitty, selfish gynocentric world, most don't even know how to be happy or satisfied. I've been put of You Tube again and have no way of downloading any nore, so I found a mamual analogue way of loading up to MGTOW TV, with a sound recorder. I've just started learnig about this sgit, yet because I uploaded two very interesting (in my opinion) audio's with a "Black Screen" all I've had is critisism and complaint's because there are no pretty pictures? Kind of PATHETIC I though, I'm trying to learn new shit and experimenting and don't get a fucking chance to hone in on it. does kinda make me wonder about certain people in MGTOW. I like to be POSITIVE, I guess that personally is MY perpose in life? I like to be STOIC, and I've pulled through ever piule of SHITE life has thrown at me because I'm Stoic. I have days when I crash out with DVD's and some beers because yes some days are BORING! but I'm STILL a happy Man. Maybe the meaning and challenge of olife or mankind, is purely to survive that is the greatest achievement, not having the latest peice of SHIT tech or more money than you need? very few are destined to be famous of GOD's and most of those that have the opportunity usually end up broke or dead because they cant cope? whats that saying "K I S S" Keep it Simple Stupid, don't be stupid and go beyond your scope, it doesn't end in HAPPINESS at all and in the end it has NO purose? ButWTF I'm still smiling with the little I have, I'm still happy because I'm NOPY in debt or beholden to anyone!

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Councilof1 7 months ago

A meaningful life would have been a good thing. If only I could have found any meaning. Every meaningful thing I explored seemed, to me at least, to be lie's and illusion or at worst so common as to be meaningless. I think "meaning" differs depending upon the individual. What is meaningful to one is meaningless to another. And is highly subjective.

As for happiness it always seemed to be either fleeting or illusory. So I settled for existence.

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Councilof1 7 months ago

Swim with the stream of life? I chose to swim against the current. I had no wish to travel with the herd.

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WMHarrison94 7 months ago

Wa... mother fucker. I just wrote a huge philosophical stateement and this damn keyboard just deleted it?! WTF!

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WMHarrison94 7 months ago

goddamit... i'm taking a few minutes before I type all that out again... anyways in short, it's sad to live that way, but to each of us is a calliong. Perhaps, yours is solitary: I get it being a writer and a thinker among other things, nut occassionally, I like getting my peepee wet in some pussy... only problem, there;s no good pussy anymore. I have a divine contract which is why I survived death trice. I started into the Abyss and it stared we have the thousand cock stare in whores living empty lives. Our DNA propagates through us riding us to reproduce for the sake of life. That is life. The species may change but the DNA still moves forward into time until well, for us, our sun going supernova...then ashes to ashes, stardust to stardust... well time to watch some whore whine about her bad decisions...Have a good one brother. I would say the only real evil is allowing evil (to thrive.)

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mrghoster 7 months ago

nicely said, Of course today with all the lies and illusion and where women are concerned DELUSION, my meaning of like is kind of findingways of shirting round all the bullshit, more out of necessity tghan choice, bu8t I do love a challenge and it's working. Very little of todays lies and illusion phases me at all which oddly enough creates part of my happiness or EXITENCE!

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mrghoster 6 months ago

@WMHarrison94: It's happened to us all my friend and boy it does piss you off? But it happens!

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