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A New WAVE of Delusional Modern Women Is On the Rise

Published on 13 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation

Here they come Gentlemen, a whole new generation of DELUDED CUNT's! lol! You would think since Gynocentrism and the Matriarchy arrive the world couldn't slip and deeper into lunasy. But you would be wrong! lol! As MEN walk and Thrive in much welcome solitude, the hive mind of the insane, ignorant, stupid, MENTALLY ILL fefail has reached an all time low even for them. The way I see it is the world is living in a Gynocentric endused "PSYCHOSIS" bought on my women and their attitude to being entitled regardless of the TRUE FACT they are totally worthless outside of mtheir own deluded mind's! lol! women make ME laugh but for all the wrong reason's. Women today rather than being impowered are actually WEAKER and more fucking stupid than any other time in history. something has goit in the system that is affecting the whole of society via women, using this WEAKNESS they have like it has never be used before, and NOT by the Scapegoat MEN, because we are distancing ourselves even though we are always blamed for everything. Politic and feminist ideals are attacking the WEAKEST in society and that WEAKNESS IS women. So as MEN we need to put a safe distance between their insanity and our rational MALE logic and creativity. It is obvious anything a MAN does for a women NOW is wrong, so like ME don't do fuck all for them at all. Doing this will ensure your sanity and welbeing. Peace Gent's

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Jaygo 10 months ago

This idiot saw a camera set up and stopped for a street interview. Like most delusional western women, she made a complete fool of herself. Then asked. "Is this going on tv"? No genius, he just brought his camera and tripod out to sun bathe. smh

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WMHarrison94 10 months ago

Hey, it's an honest question: Women show up and do nothing-- at least sun bathing (especially if nude) would be doing something.

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GenerationLESS 10 months ago

Much of this video was the exact same script as the Circle of Kings video, word for word. Who is plagiarizing who?

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mrghoster 10 months ago

It's all open sourse material ansdd yes some is the same on more than one video, however not all the video is the same and other points are of interest that are not on other video's. You take what you want from them. I post them because it hits a note with me that may be of interest to you other guy's.

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Councilof1 10 months ago

Oh please, please put women in hockey. I don't watch but I do like watching hockey hits. They'd get knocked the hell out, actually they'd get broken. Might as well be getting run over by trucks.

I don't understand why every single woman thinks they're good in bed. That somehow they can keep a guy around with that single thing. I'd hate to break it to them most really aren't that good in bed. It's like most things in life there's a small group who are really poor in bed, the mass are average and a very small group are exceptionally good at that. Like weed and booze.

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WMHarrison94 10 months ago

I guess the I'm dead as beached whale in sex didn't do it for you? True- most can't fuck. I read the Kama Sutra and Anne Hopper's Joys of Sex while in Junior High... Let's say I was disappointed in High School...

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Councilof1 10 months ago

@WMHarrison94: After reading that yeah it would be very disappointing.

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Every so often "video shorts" of women in their underwear or tight "up their cunts" gym pants, appear in my feed, doing their almost naked partial strip teases and "look at my cunt and arsehole" yoga moves - and I just PM them - "Without your cunt, you have absolutely NOTHING else going for you. Fuck off loser".

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sauger1001 10 months ago


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