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A Pimp Named Super Hand (1975) AI Generated

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Published on 29 Jun 2024 / In Comedy

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Damn... We used to have Pimps... now we have Simps... The Rise of The Simps...Pimp Wars. That kind of works... don't know if it'll be a Star Wars replacement... Hmmm, Star Trek to Pimp Trek...

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

We can change One Punch Man to One Slap Man...just saying... Super Hand? Lol!

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KEEPER 3 months ago

so all of these songs are AI created, the AI makes the images to the lyrics to the sound of the voice and the music in the background, everything is created by the AI from what i understand. the real videos on youtube show more images, but i just choose the best one that reflects the best on the song and what it's about. but i also mirrored it because these are the kinds of videos that would normally get taken down off of youtube for the kind of content that's in them, so just in case youtube gets another wiled hair up their asses again and takes these videos down, i'm trying my best to mirror the good ones at least.

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