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A Shoutout And Tribute To Our Beloved Hammerhand The MGTOW Monk

Published on 18 Jan 2020 / In Film & Animation

For those of you who don’t know him, He’s a great guy, Check him out and support him on BitChute which the links are in the description below. Also Incase you guys have trouble finding him here in the search results since MGTOW TV is still very new and improving, Here’s the link as the fastest way to get to his channel. https://www.mgtow.tv/@Hammerhand

Also a quick favor, Please if you can, share this with hammerhand because he’ll really appreciate it.

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5 years ago  

Just now seeing this. Thank you.

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Weird_Science 5 years ago

We miss you Hammerhand...

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Truth_Hurts 3 years ago

Where is he?

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wroger_wroger 5 years ago

I have really tried to be friends with him and to support him but he is stuck in this fucking hate trip and he talks big and talks out his arse and will not make the most of the opportunities I give him..... That all involves looking inwards and OUR OWN PART in all these situations. I can't work with him....

Have a look what was on offer.

The thing is that the ROLE models for relationships ARE our parents, and if we have shitty parents who did a shitty job of it, in their own lives and with us, we get programmed with this crap, about, "This is what a relationship is supposed to be".... So we tend to be recycling all the damaging crap, that we had going on with our parents, in the other people that we try to complete the relationships with our parents through.... The old joke from the best friend that goes like, "Hey he / she not only LOOKS like your mother / father, they sound just like them too!".... There are some very deep roots to these issues....

I find that it's interesting that screwing around and lots of porn etc., is acceptable but, when you say, I don't want to be involved with this crazy shit, What are the alternatives? What are healthy relationships, and then getting the education by studying the information and applying it. When you become self aware and no longer want to be a part of the NORMAL... then your like the pariah of the century.... "What? Your not coming down the pub, talking shit with the idiots, and getting drunk and screwing around? What's wrong with you?"

Naaa what is right with me?

Go and study and open up to sharing with other people... Be the person who gets the PHD in sanity and emotional health, and not be one of the half arsed lazy people who do nothing about themselves and spend all day talking shit about others...

And just because people go to Alcoholics Anonymous or AA based self help groups, there are some exceptional people - and there are a lot of fucking useless cunts too...

If you ever get the AA basic text, in the back are the personal stories, and there are TWO types of people.

The first and most important types are the ones who say, "These are the issues, this is what I have done about them, this is what the outcome is. And subject to further revision, the issue is finalised, or it needs to evolve over some more time and events, or this outcome is unacceptable and I have to continue working on it, or it cannot be resolved etc."

The second type are the people who say, "OH isn't AA wonderful, the people are so nice, and it so good that I have stopped drinking" and every time they turn up to a meeting, they drink 5 cups of coffee, clap their hands and say, "Oh isn't AA wonderful", put 20c in the basket and fuck off, and this shit goes on for week after week after week - until they succumb to their crap and relapse....

You see they NEVER got serious about dealing with anything, they just talked shit.

Out of all the personal stories in the back of the AA basic text, almost all the people who wrote them, died drinking....

The ones who worked their way through their issues, dealt with their issues. The ones who talked out their arses, relapsed and died.

Buy the basic texts from these organisations, and read them and study them.
https://saa-recovery.org/ https://slaafws.org/ https://www.sa.org/

The Audio Recordings are here - they can be bought online, in bulk and for a reasonable price.

And tune into this chicks work.

This guys work is sensational.
Alan Robarge / Attachment Trauma Therapist

And although the issues of complexities with relationships - and doing a bad job of them, are not the same as chemical dependency, the thought patterns and personality traits in many ways are similar if not identical.

Try this guys materials. Long term sober, family of origin issues.

Bob Earll

Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life (get the hard cover version - it's a work book, not a novel)

The Family: A New Way of Creating Solid Self-esteem

Becomming undamaged, requires putting in the same work as getting a PHD - You have to work at it.

It's worth it.


HH - took one look at all that and just fucking ran away, hiding behind some bullshit tough guy crap.....

AND I have been at this stuff for a long time.....

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

We love you brother. ;)

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