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A Terrible Hailstorm Canister and Grapeshot in Linear Warfare, as portrayed in Union of Salvation

Published on 22 Jun 2024 / In Film & Animation

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These are interlinked.

The education about big guns being used as big shot guns...

A Terrible Hailstorm Canister and Grapeshot in Linear Warfare, as portrayed in Union of Salvation

And the movie that some of the scenes were extracted from.

Union of Salvation

The history and developments of Flechettes - Little Arrows that go in big guns.

Flechettes - The Darts of War

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Councilof1 12 days ago

Fun fact the US Army still has something similar, beehive rounds. Used them in Vietnam.

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Councilof1 12 days ago

Linear warfare didn't work so well in North America. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=....kKWSZXHahjc&pp=y

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@Councilof1: Thanks for the link BUT Pootube is pulling this kind of crap ---- Video unavailable This video contains content from Lasso Group, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds ------ and I have seen the movie and don't really remember much of it - it was so long ago.....

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Councilof1 11 days ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: It was British regulars being ambushed by natives.

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@Councilof1: I can sort of remember bits of the movie... like ghostly aparitions from the nether realms...... but not the whole movie, and not very clearly.... Just vague bits...

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They are like giant shot gun shells that are used in tanks and by artillery... close range crowd control.....

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