A True Wife is a VIRGIN the Rest are Just Concubines
Published on 12 Jan 2021 / In
Film & Animation
What makes a "true" wife? Nearly every woman would claim she is a true wife be we all know that isn't true at all. Again what makes a true wife? Find out before it's too late.
"But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man and the head of Christ is God"
-I Corinthians 11:3
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The guy who banged her first, is there FOREVER.
This is sad, but true. I've held this belief for pretty much my whole life; it was instinctual and nobody could shame me out of it. Try as they might, the wicked friends of my mom could never shame or guilt me into dropping those beliefs. I got a lot of hate from it early on, so I just learned to conceal that belief. Fuck this evil, wicked bullshit world; I'm not yielding my principles.
If I never get ahold of a true virgin, then I'll never have a relationship. I'm not settling for anything less than I deserve as a good, honest man. Isn't that what feminists and women say all the time?