An Unstoppable Wave of Men Is Rising from the West
I have a theory as to why because MEN in the west have walked away, that government feel the need to let in these so call BOAT REFUGEES. funny how they are all working age, Procreation age, and above all MEN, the lowest types of moronic MAN at that? If they are refugees where are the wives, women and childrem? I think because MEN unexpectedly choes to "WALK" because of women and 4th wave feminism they are trying to cover their asses now feminism has taught REAL MEN what women are really like. Let's face it modern women are socially, and culturally MENTALLY Flawed. The whole thig has to coin an appropriat phrase, "GHone TIT'S UP" ! lol! feminism has failed then it would because it was a badly thought out political Scam to make on women. the result has been the distruction of "Family", "Femininity", "The natural relationship" and much much more for what? Yep! you guessed it, a QUICK Corporate BUCK. women are now so fucking Obnoxtious to a point where REAL MEN don't want to even fuck one nether lone get tied down to one! LOL! Another humorous theory of mind is that when CERN was turned on in 2011 they opened a Portal to Assholes that struck the weakest and most stupid and useless in society - WOMEN, As REAL MEN that have had the brains to walk "THRIVE" women get fucking stupider and more repulsive by the day with their mentally ill pea brains and all those SDD's and STI's most now have! lol! i've seen video's where a women (more than one that is) will angrily state to MEN, "Leave us alone" then in another video the very same fefail is cringing away in tears because "She CUNT find a MAN"! it's fucking laughable isn't it. Personally I've spent around the last decade thriving and having a great life with my own money, time and Stoic logical mindset, I don't need a women for anything at all. even if you see a reasonably attractive one, which is rare today the first thought is "I bet the CUNT's mentally ill"! lol! The fefail's REAL ugliness has come from within and is manifested in the outer appearance these day's thus for "On the BALL" MEN the warning signs are totally un-hidden and in full view. So Thanks Feminism, you did us a really good favor all those decades ago! lol! whilst feminism destroys women it has been a MAN's (REAL MAN) that is, salvation, CHEERS!
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Pay for the date, where they pay their own way - that is a GOOD test for financial and ethical responsibility - and it scrapes off the leeches from the outset.... "Your a modern woman who believes in equality right? - You can pay your own way on our date."
If she says, "This is a good deal" - it seems fair, pace her over a longer time.
If this woman - who is basically a free loading nobody acts all indignant and shit cans the date - it means she is ENTITLED, selfish, probably broke, and would not have come to the date, if there was not the expectation that YOU would be paying for this bum to have a $1000 feast on your dime.
Oh God woman No 1...
"Yap, Yap, Yap, Yap, Yap....."
And on and on and on ----- "The worst text to send a woman is the "Good Morning" text".
Says the next reiteration of bitter old single cat ladies.
Seriously - IF any woman sends back, any message that has any ingratitude, selfishness and petty complaints - it needs to replied with, "Your attitude is unacceptable. Block. Bye."
Fucking nasty, entitled, self centered, ingrates.
They are fucking DOOMED.....
Fuck this bullshite narrtor as well shaming language to men, pay 4 date and dont be a cheapskate, fuck you, your on a date with me my time is more precious than yours. So she should be paying me. She should be happy that all 3 dates are on the beach who wouldnt like long walks on the beach fuck em all.
Real Men go there own way Fuck these hoes let em rot