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A way to end the 15-Minute City tyranny

229 subscribers
Published on 06 Mar 2023 / In Film & Animation

How to break the 15 minute City. I have my own plans. We could make them no go area's for Police and Coucilor's who cross into OUR space! lol! WE can be very disruptive and down right non compliant as well with a little thought and common law.

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The oxford shire councillors - these arrogant retarded commie shits deserve to be beaten to a pulp and sent to the land fill in a dumpster.......

Lackeys of the World Economic Forum.... Fuck them.

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mrghoster 2 years ago

If these 15 min cities go ahead one good thing to come out of it will be the local MEN will gain control and in went our own rules like not letting councilors in an shit. MEN WILL regain control over women as well, because the slut's wont be able to go out to clubs on friday night, their wont be enough MEN to FALL for their deceit . It wont be long before the local BNIKLE's are outed and women ignored and shit like that. I already have plans to curcumvent any of this shit using logic. P{rreferably I don't want this shit to go ahead, but if it did I will find my way round it as I did with the covid LIE. Non Compliance becomes the GAME and it WILL be great fun fighting it all!

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@mrghoster: Jesus and his 12 boyfriends will save you.... Grovel at the magic power sticks on the wall today!

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