A woman is looking for a pack mule single man that she can unload all her baggage on.

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Gotta have tools, fix cars, hang trim, cut the lawn, etc. Ummm, is this a relationship or a full-time job?
Gentlemen, in the words of Paul Proteus (RIP), "If you don't want the job, don't sit for the interview."
Get tied down BOY, with a CUNT like this all you will get in return for your trouble is "MISERY"!
ALL those things mention that5 SHE wants a MAN for? Well MEN can do all that but only for themselves, BUTT not for user loser's like this?
She thinks SHE is great in BED, theirt is a warning sign straight off! lol! The voice and tattoo's are enough to make me throw up! lol! It sounds and looks like a BIATCH, so it probably is?
I can fix anything lady, BUTT not for you and payment in CASH only "Upfront"! If I wanted to carry baggage around I'd get a job at a railway/Road station or a Bus Station! lol! At least there is a chance of a TIP or even a THANK YOU" will do! but I'm not carrying baggage for a hoe.
Wow..... Step dad?