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A woman would not have sex with a man unless he spent 2,000 ???in multiples dates. MGTOW

Published on 05 Nov 2023 / In People & Blogs

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Jaygo 1 year ago

I doubt that could work for most females, ESPECIALLY if the guy's a Chad/Tyrone. Females are very whimsical. They make decisions based on their emotions, which are fleeting and ever changing. Moreover. I can assure you. If a female considers you to be attractive and she's really into you. It does not matter where you bring her to eat, or how much money you spend. She'll just be happy to spend time with you. If she set conditions for you to take her out, She's not really into you. Facts.

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I assume your in America.... Give this a go. https://www.na.org/

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Yeah not into weed...

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Doing drugs is bad Mmmm K.

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Jana Hocking is OLD - DESPERATE - A DRuNkeN IDIOT, who is stupid and talks shit.... Another perfect Australian Media Personality... A Brainless Drunken Cunt who talks shit, and nothing but shit.

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