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Published on 08 May 2021 / In Entertainment

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Ambulance drivers and other thursday night pond life clapping like fucking performing SEALS for something that they pay for that is being taken away from them. If that isn't "MASS PSYCHOSIS" I don't know WTF is?

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mrghoster 3 years ago

You are aware ythat our corrupt leaders have pushe to far now and are on the back heel? This IS all gonna' collapse soon, and I want to see heads on poles' and a complete change on the system, God knows what but anything is better than all this insanity. The LIE's are out the cracks are appearing as they couldn't cover ever angle? I believe the big fight back is coming. It needs to be Economic, Don'r Buy their product's don't follow their BULLSHIT, think for yourselves not have your thought though out for you. Those of you that are selfish enough to do nothing because you must have the latest iphone, then FUCK you, because the big hit you will eventual have tyo take will be worse than doing nothing right now? Peace.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

"Thank You NHS"! lol! FUCK YOU NHS for playing your part in the Great deception. wouldn't trust a doctor or anyone working for the NHS! After following ambulances from the Staion and whatched them drive round estates with all the lights going and sirens for a bout 15 to 20 minutes and returning every time to the station, having not attended anything, then those CUNT's can fuck off as well. Ive had people with friensds and family in hospital tell me that the hospitals supposedly full or Covid victim's are Actually almost totally EMPTY to a point the look shut down or mothballed?

Covid is a fucking LIE their isn't any VIRUS wasn't right from the start. The whole thing is a Control and money making exercise by greedy psychopaths and until you open you closed eyes tio the "FACTS" you will simply get exactly WTF you deserve.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Just look at how thin that blue line is! lol! I've heard that copper's are now getting their homes vandalized and their family's shunned and sent to Coventry, refused service in local shop's, etc. I think the bully boy's sided with the wrong side. All I see police doing these day's is driving back and forth up and down the carriage way with the blues and two's on then parking up. It's like they are frightened to show their faces, and rightly to, bunch of cowards and thug's. My Town has Two police car unit's and a shared van. This is all their is and they come in from a near by bigger town every morning and meet up at a Muckdonalds for breakfast. On the Ground we have Four Spastic Plastic Police officers (with no powers), So that is reall Tow beats ans two go out together, then we have two coppers on Bike's, and that is it for one large NEW Town.

Yet if you are seen without a mask or some shit their seems to be thousands of them turn up! lol! The UK police should be fucking ashamed of themselves, because their unsympathetic actions through covid WONT be forgotten for a very long time? I promise you that.

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LongRedRoad 4 years ago

That song was form the oppressively mean past? really!
it was my dads favorite song.

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