About Welfare 2017-04-24 Don't work for a system that hates you.
Do not support a system that hates you. Do not allow these scum who lead the modern world twist proper morality and the golden rule. The leaders of the world today are makers of inequity and they preach a bent, evil idea of what is moral. It is not righteous to work your ass off for other wastelings who want to live off of the backs of others when they are able bodied. To break them you must find their thumbscrew, and I can tell you what it is, force them to reduce taxes, reduces govt expendenture, and stop printing money all at once. They will never do those three things simultaneously this is in essence the trick they pull. These three things are required at once for the state to sink in size, instead, the state constantly grows like a tumor until it collapses. They "reduce taxes" but exapand the deficit or inflate the currency, whats worse is that the entire premise of their job is they take a cut of the action when they redistribute wealth unjustly. It is just a shell game. When they print money, it is not a "rising tide that raises all ships", they use the control they have over banks to decide who has access to the inflation or "lending of money" and at what rate. So some people are not harmed by the inflation if they are granted access to the cheap "loans" while others are not allowed access to this.
They then try to lie and say inflation is not occuring and changing the standards of the consumer price index so they can delay cost of living adjustments to social programs like social security.
What if you lived in a society where the government has simply become an entity whose sole purpose seems to be to pick winners and losers by stealing your money through trickery then re-distributing it how they see fit? What if the vast majority of the debt that country has was simply caused by welfare? How do you combat this? at the very least you could just not willingly play along.
Be a leech on this evil system. do not accept the rules and be led by incompetent, inferior people who have the arrogance to be so stupid and evil yet hypocritically expect you to just fall in line.
I like this concept, LDAR but in my view,it is lay down and relax, not rot.
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Varg making videos again?
Looks like a throwback..