

78 Visualizações
Publicado em 25 Jan 2025 / Em Filme & Animação

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WMHarrison94 2 meses atrás

Yep... they think they can intimidate us... Well, most pussies they could... Remember Stargate? The kid that stayed behind and invetigated the landing Pyramid? Yeah, that's going to be me.) I know The Gods back me... Let's see what happens!?! They be demons most likely.

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Yeah I doubt he will because if he has the tapes and was gonna put it on DVD he would have done so already, he has too much to lose and I reckon someone
"HIGH UP FROM THE DARK CABBAL/KABBAL STATE" gave him the tap on the shoulder or paid him a visit and said no your not here is what your really going to do.

Dont forget he is a Paid Actor and Very good at it so I would not be surprised if this is all a gig, He is also a Human Being I will say that if i am wrong and he saw what he saw and he backs up and its all real and legit then great. I can say myself I have been in multiple "Strange" situations and did have any way to record or backup what I have seen, smelt or felt and I know it was there "I FELT IT AND I KNOW IT OR THE CLASSIC LINE I KNOW IT BECAUSE I FELT IT" and many would think im Bullshitting and lying and many been there and in that Club with me so I know where they are coming from we have all been there. SOMETIMES THERE ARE THINGS WE JUST CANNOT EXPLAIN YET WE KNOW IT WAS THERE OR SOMETHING HAPPENED AND CANT EXPLAIN IT AND IF WE TRIED TO WE WOULD BE CALLED QUACKS, CRAZIES, NUTJOBS MENTAL CASES AND SO ON, SO YEAH I KNOW WHAT HE MEANS AND LIKE I SAID IF ITS REAL THEN GREAT MYSELF AND MANY OTHERS WOULD WANT TO KNOW \G/

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WMHarrison94 2 meses atrás

If he dies, you might see it appear... It could be "leverage."

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WMHarrison94 2 meses atrás

Yeah, the best prison has no walls nor do those inmates know they're in prison. I know because I was bodiless: These bodies are like prisons for us, but God El Elohim demanded we keep our temples, "prisons," or bodies clean.

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GenerationLESS 2 meses atrás

There's lots of books about these topics. Eisenhower knew a hell of a lot, and had to deal with the Greys.

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