adblocker observations on youtube
Published on 26 Oct 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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The way Youtube is going, it's sort of going down the way Pirate Bay was killed off, except that they are fucking with EVERYONE, which drives them off... instead of removing their access too.
LOL - EVERYONE is hating on Youtube....
This is escalating into a low scale to full scale conflict.
This is what I have previously posted.
You know without add blocking - youtube is basically unwatchable.... it's worse than free to air TV in Australia. And how does the old equation of doing a search for a product or service and delivering the business names in your local area (usually) and getting paid by those business's for the refferals per click etc., relate to enless adds, for things that you don't want, don't need and or can't afford, and then being FORCED to watch them.
Youtube used to be really profitable - based upon the original model and then Google bought it and have slowly been fucking everyone over with ever worsening bullshit....
They have hounded all the really great content creators off, they got greedy, wanting all the profits for themselves, and to share none of it with no one else, and now all they have left are their text to speech engines and video factories churning most endless amounts of mostly shit "filler product" with 3 minutes of relevant subject and 12 minutes of time wasting crap....
The title was "How to grow water melons"
3 minutes of water melons on a water melon farm and 12 minutes on farming in general, and farm machines...
And a full 15 minutes of insipid text to speech engine narration....
AND endless adds every 3 minutes...
And they are trying to get away with bending everyone over a barrel saying "Cough up the cash or fuck off".
They have turned on all the content creators and their subscribers.... they have made enemies out of their customer base...
OK - No Add Blocking or No Poo Tube for me?
Bye Bye - you Jew cunts.
Thanks for all the years of shadow banning me and deleting all my comments and for fucking with me AND everyone else - endlessly.