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Adolf Hitler - Why it's important to think for yourself

Published on 02 Jul 2023 / In Film & Animation


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usr6874038614 2 years ago

Adolf must be villified, because if people start to investigate what he really achieved, Israel and the central banking system would not survive.

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crimsonhawk 2 years ago
crimsonhawk 2 years ago

It must be nice on the other end of the world, bud.

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It sounds like a veiled threat, made from someone who has been trained like a lapdog, to start yapping on command, at any new idea, like thinking for yourself and not having done the reseach himself. Your opinions are as worthless as the people who told you what to think are.

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Rightly or wrongly - and all agendas aside, Adolf Hitler and Co., pulled off events like these, OK wise guy, impress me.

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crimsonhawk 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: nah brotha, I mean it . Auzzy sounds like a great place compared to this shoothouse

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@crimsonhawk: Have a listen to it.... Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf - Ford Translation MP4 (4:20 silence at start) ---- HItler was allegedly a consumate liar and propagandist, but then most of them are. Mostly true, partly true or mostly lies - he was still a very skilled orator, motivational speaker, writer, and propagandist.... He was most certainly very fucking skilled and he reunited the germanic states and pulled off a really incredible event, called WWII...... It's a pity that the Vienna Arts School was so full of stupid cunts, I would have much prefered he under take courses in art and architecture.... He would have been a world beater there, too.

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@crimsonhawk: So I can see a lot of measured reasons for actually admiring Adolf Hitler.... If it was based in extensive family of origin therapy and other necessary issues... But things being what they were, I have no time for this "Seige Heiling" bullshit and while I think the Nazi Flag is an incredible piece of artwork, I have a short fuse for seeing this bullshit plastered everywhere over everything..... I have a general dislike for this goose stepping psychotic bullshit - but a lot of what they did achieve WAS really incredible. Compare these guys to the weak and effeminate faggots who have green shit in their hair and believe men can have babies........ Never mind that they are fully trained professional killers the SS etc... They are fit, strong, healthy young men with a sense of invincibility and that they are there to rule the world...

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@crimsonhawk: Men Kampf - the Ford Translation is ~27 hours long...

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@crimsonhawk: It's not "OH My God - the Nazis are EVIL" - it's a mixture of GOOD and BAD, and to a degree, it depends where you stand, and what's in it for you". All the jew bankers that financed this, saw huge profits with the loans, and rearming Germany and financing the way was a HUGELY popular and profitable thing to do... If you consider how much planning and preparation and training went into all of this for decades before WWI actually broke out... After the Treaty of Versi after WW1, the Germans were prohibited from making war planes with big fast engines... so they made exceptionally good schools with wind tunnels and all that sort of stuff and made incredibly GOOD aircraft, with streamlining and flush rivets and fairly gutless engines... but the planes flew really well.... so they circumvented the rules by smart design..... and somewhat simplistic, when the Germans went to warthey took out the gutless engines, and put in monster war engines, and they had all the industry established to make aircraft in large volume - by covertly playing by the rules.... they had NEW factories with new tooling etc. and then just before starting the war, they put out the contracts for high specification high powered aircraft with powerful engines - and all the infrastructure from the schools, to the wind tunnels and specialist testing equipment and all the trained designers, and all the production engineering was in place to go for it..... So if you wanted to become a pilot of the most modern aircraft in the world, here was your chance to join a flying school.... and go through lots of training....... BUT with the English, during the battle of britian, not sure of the exact times... but they had 2 weeks flying and fighting and 2 weeks off, so the pilots were always fresh and skilled and had good planes... where are the Germans ran their pilots into the ground with 7 days a week flying and fighting... So getting away from the "black and white" thinking, the "This good, that is bad" mentality - misses out on the HUGE amount of nuances and context and detail that said, "It might appear to be good BUT" ....

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If you read "The book of the Jew" - the old testament - That is ALL about control by murder..... All of it.

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