Well, thete are Satanic Globohomo Jews... quoting their Talmud, which allows pefophilia not counting it as a Sin nor adultery under a certain age... usually involing that old adage, if it bleeds, it breeds... take about Old Skhool, like Cavemen Prehistoric Old Skhool!
I do agree with you on that That "god" is not the True Hod, the One True God (El) of the Bible... though, there is some evidence that Jesus Christ may have been in India during the Lost Years... just saying!
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Toxic Shot Trump - Of the Jew-SA
Israel has chosen its next Vice President of the Jew SA
Zionist Occupied Trump
Well, thete are Satanic Globohomo Jews... quoting their Talmud, which allows pefophilia not counting it as a Sin nor adultery under a certain age... usually involing that old adage, if it bleeds, it breeds... take about Old Skhool, like Cavemen Prehistoric Old Skhool!
I do agree with you on that That "god" is not the True Hod, the One True God (El) of the Bible... though, there is some evidence that Jesus Christ may have been in India during the Lost Years... just saying!
So... no sleep for the wicked! WTF? At the RNC? I expext this kind of shit at CERN!
What an ugly sound coming from this woman.