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AgentofSocialMediaChaos's Anime Girl of the Day Season 3 Episode 145 Athena

Published on 24 May 2024 / In Film & Animation

AgentofSocialMediaChaos's Anime Girl of the Day is Athena from 07 Ghost

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

Damn... she's a nun? They reduced the Greek goddess of War, Arts, Wisdom, and Athens to a nun!? Damn, that's worse than what the Greeks did to Maia Dia (or Maia-- you know the fertility goddess the May Day orgies were made for er revering? Worshipping? ) They reduced Maia Dia from goddess to one time side fling for Zeus...

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Toki 4 months ago

I like nuns. Most of the small minority of decent real women are nuns. Not very many of them. But they are more selfless than the average person in general. Some work in medical for minimal benefit aiding the sick. Unlike the corporate industry who uses medical patients as consumers to exploit. Nuns and legit priests are more about spiritual healing and non-processed drugs like herbal medicines. There's not enough medical nuns and priests to go around to help everyone in need. However they are willing to help people who can't afford corporate doctors. That's a lot of people.

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

@Toki: yeah... I was taught by aggressive when angry cock deprived nuns... they got a little happy with the wood paddle on us... but funny enough, before PornHub was changed, I went on a hoe as nun binge for videos... Yeah, I might be going to Hell this time around...when I die... fourth time may not be a charm: However, unlike most "philosophers," who ignore sex, I have been trying to fit sex into my "philosophy" with just reducing it to child bearing: I strongly believe we were not designed that way... and maybe, The Tree of LifecAshereh sent me back three times from death to figure this out...I mean I am considering the Lord God El and His Wife Ashereh have need of me... perhaps as an Agent of Revelations for out coming Age of Revelations (mid2040s.) Yeah, it's not as dramatic as bring Egypt to its knees freeing their slaves the Hebrew and the Mycenaeans. Maybe, She wants me to fit in sexual lives with religion and philosophy... and of course, to find Her, which I did already... Three tasks for the End Times of yhe Age of Salvation, ie right now! One done, one in progress, and one on hold since Western women are such mean hoes...and liars and theives!

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Toki 4 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Even better in anime of course. Rosaria from Genshin is thick and cute.

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Toki 4 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Oh by the way the Seven Mortal Sins anime has at least one nun and a spicy part with Asmodeus domming her.

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