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AgentofSocialMediaChaos's Anime Girl of the Day Season 3 Episode 200 Anju Emma

Published on 18 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

AgentofSocialMediaChaos's Anime Girl of the Day is Anju Emma from 86 Eighty Six

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Toki 3 months ago

Isekai with firearms? Or is she special with a magical firearm?

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

86? Huh.

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The anime title is spelled 86 Eighty-Six but simply called 86. I'd describe it as Attack On Titan fused with Gundam. It's about a post apocalyptic world where a walled off country called The Republic of San Magnolia is at war with a group of sentient robots powered by the souls of the dead called The Legion. The higher ups in the military live inside the walls and never really see combat because they use mecha suits piloted by slave soldiers called 86 which they view as nothing more than unmanned drones for them to use as canon fodder

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

@AgentofSocialMediaChaos: Sounds interesting...and realistic. They see us men as nothing but drones to control...LOL! I'll check it out after fininshing 2B's Nier Automata anime...

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Toki 3 months ago

@AgentofSocialMediaChaos: So yeah it's basically like real life where the elites are spoiled cowards hiding behind low IQ servants who don't have to serve the elties. But they do anyways for some reason. Do the elites eventually get karma?

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Toki 3 months ago

@WMHarrison94: 2B's costume oh buddy. Also love A2 with the longer hair version. I haven't played that game but the pron is excellent. For a good animator who does quite a lot of Nier content check out someone named EXGA on R34. He's done some really good 2B and A2. Lots of PoV angles for those of us who aren't gay.

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@Toki: considering that the 1st season ends with their entire country destroyed I'd say yes they do eventually get their Karma

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@Toki: the series has 1 season split into 3 arcs. Arc 1 is the San Magnolia arc which focuses on the soldiers in the 86 Spearhead Squadron outside the walls and their commanding officer Vladilena Milizé inside the walls, the 2nd arc is the Legion Territory arc which focuses on the surviving members of Spearhead Squadron who are stuck deep inside enemy territory trying to survive, and the 3rd arc is the Federacy of Giad arc where the surviving members of Spearhead Squadron have made their way to another country called the Federacy of Giad which treats them better the their old country did. Eventually they go back to the battlefield to protect their new country from a massive Legion assault which destroyed their old country San Magnolia and almost destroyed Giad and 2 other countries

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