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AgentofSocialMediaChaos's Waifu of the Day Season 4 Episode 83 Kanan Misenai

Published on 25 Mar 2025 / In Film & Animation

AgentofSocialMediaChaos's Waifu of the Day is Kanan Misenai from Dogeza I Tried Asking While Kowtowing

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KellyRoach 10 hours ago

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Toki 18 hours ago

Spicy thumbnail on this one. Banned from YT for this? Or did you give up on YT already?

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I stopped uploading on Youtube a while ago. I am on my 7th channel now and I just use it to watch stuff. I had about 5 years worth of content on my 1st channel that got banned, I had a few waifu videos on my 2nd channel before it got banned 2 days after creating it, my 3rd and 4th channels got banned for posting something that violated their community guidelines even though I never uploaded anything on them, my 5th channel got banned for the same reason as 3 and 4 even though I didn't even have it long enough to use it for anything(litterally it got banned within minutes of creating it), my 6th and 7th channels both still exist but are connected to completely new google accounts so Youtube doesn't know it's me. My 6th I use for creating playlists on Youtube music which I thin download to mp3 using pirate sites and storing the mp3s on hardrives and I will nuke it myself when I am done with that. My 7th I just use to watch Youtubers that don't have a presence on alt tech sites mostly VTUbers btw

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