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Published on 09 Apr 2024 / In Other
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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Not bad... Kabbaah or Qabala, whichever way to spell it is just Babylonian Stellar magic repurposed for Jews... Well, fake Jews likely. They use the color red (Satanic Jews especially in the robes they wear to their Satanic ritualized orgies (apparently using groomed sex girls (slaves) is a good men recruiting tactic) Who knew?) because it symbolizes Blood, ie Life and Death (as in when you slay someone), but they often say it symbolizes "Passion," as in fucking or adultery/orgies and heat of passion as in murder or slaying... Anyways, I believe the Babylonian Stellar magic was able to "predict" things because they observed "moving stars," ie alien vessels on their way to or back to Earth from Mars, where Marduk was said to have been given his kingdom... Babylon was said to have been a space port... so those ziggarats were for boarding space craft and they had the thousands years old "Baghdad battery." If you understand this, then what's his name who started "religion" declaring himself God, marrying his mom, abd fathering his son-brother (The mom holding the brother statues and paintings/mosaics, this was the "Madonna" foundation-- completely PAGAN) and built the Tower of Babel "to shoot arrows or bullets (from slings) at God or the "gods" ie aliens-space travelers...) Then, this shit really starts to make sense and provide you with a context... Just saying...How else did they see in the Egyptian pyramids? Magic mirrors? No, they had "spheres" that glowed... ie those things thought to he wizards throught to be "fireballs." Throwing fire is a trope in fantasy... elves and unicorns are tropes too from Northern Europe, the war hourses with iron horns and the Scandinavian or Danish were the "elves." I suspect the dwarves and Faye in General were malnourished Brits... if Hobbits exists (I do believe they are used as a metaphor for the "Little people" or country bumpkins or stupid people, ie us ordinary people, in reference to the learned, academic, heroic military "Conquerors" by Tolkien) were as we know now a small, child size adult people in Indonesia. Perhaps, their legends of existence found their way to Tolkien. He was a learned and traveled man having been an officer in The Great War to end all wars, ie World War One to us. His point in the Lord of the Rings was to give Englanders hope that the common bonds of friendship would be what wins the day against the NAZI regime, as he witnessed that first hand in WW1. Remembwr before WW1, England had the World, a huge empire including Bahrain and Qatar in the Middle East and India and some Islands in the Indian Ocean. And A "proper" Englishman studied Egyptian hieroglyphics
(having learned Greek or Latin growing up if not both at boarding schools, which these schools themselves were derived from Christian monasteries where people went to learn to read and write starting in the Middle Ages but did not stay in a life vowed to poverty and serving God (of Israel) and were well traveled throughout the empire, otherwise you just a commoner, a Plebeian!) So...as I said, Everything Is Connected... A Socratic Idea!?!

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Oh Fuck, I did it again... writing long paragraphs explaining the world!?!

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