Alaskan wildlife troopers rescue deer stuck in cold waters
Published on 22 Oct 2023 / In
News & Politics
Two deer struggling in the Alaskan waters and fighting the current are happy to be rescued by wildlife troopers who gave them a lift in their boat to a nearby island
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Excellent video, finally a happy one as compared to all the crap about Palestine lately
You reckon that since the thing is already soaked, that pouring some warm engine output water / or a big bucket of reasonably slightly hot water - partly from the boiled kettle water mixed with cold water, and pour it over it with a cup to take out the cold, and then to dry them off - with a towel and a heater - would have been a better idea... than just dumping them frozen and water logged onto the island..
You know Duh! Pneumonia.
Nice to see and I bet these guys are hunters, they always make the best wildlife people