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Albert Pak hoping Stacey will come back to him after statusmaxxing

Published on 25 Apr 2020 / In Film & Animation

⁣The gookcel Albert Pak decided to statusmax after Stacey left him for the white Chad. He couldn't be her beta provider since he was "ugly" and "didn't have money" so thought that statusmaxxing by travelling abroad to do wagecucking thinking that it would bring his Stacey back to him. He even started crying at the end of the video, he doesn't realise that it's over for him yet. He then bought a necklace for her because he still loves her. However the harsh reality is that she was probably fucking white Chad all 3 years, while making the video and still fucking him as we speak right now. May Kenneth the Golden Child and Pygmy guide our fallen brother to the blackpill. It's really over.

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