Alec Baldwin Gets Cucked By His Wife on The Red Carpet
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These are the opinions and ramblings of a foul-mouthed lunatic. They are for entertainment purposes only and are probably wrong. You listen at your own risk.
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OK but the Trumps and Balwins are both celeb marriages. Both spouses are cheating on each other all the time. You think Meliana is with Donald to sleep with him? Hell no he pays other women to sleep with him. She's too old for playboy Donald who simps for prostitutes. Same with the Baldwins. Meanwhile their wives have illegal migrant poolboys paid for with your tax dollars. But Trump is the good guy apparently. Idiocracy.
The only good men in today's world are celibate men.
I know Salty. When your daughter turns 16 or 18 you should offer her as a donation to join the Jew king Trump's harem. You love the guy so much. I don't know why you trust any strangers you don't truly know. Weird. The simping for this business man is hilarious and I'm still getting robbed in taxes so he's full of shit. Food inflation is still awful. I still do not feel secure asking a woman out for a date without being crucified by the public mob. I still have ghettos and black people as the dominant culture in the country. White women are still whores for colored men instead of remaining loyal to the white men who babysit them their entire lives. What has changed? I hear he did this, and did that. But the country is still a woke joke filled with rap music and tattoo'ed women everywhere. Still have the massive abortion mafia. Medical in general is still complete fraud. They are all Pharma cheerleaders making money by hurting people. Did you forget when Trump endorsed the vaccines? Remember your socialist stimmy checks? Yeah I didn't get any because I'm not a voter simp I guess.
Or maybe streamers love Trump because the Gov taxes workers to hook up unemployed e-beggars. Those who ask for money to use a free service called Youtube that shouldn't be about money in the first place. At least your aren't a manchild Fortnite streamer like that Ninja faggot.
paparazzi punching should be a national sport...
baldwin is a murdering PoS, but harassing people is a good way to get beat...
frankly baldwin needs to put into confinement with his whore of a wife...
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