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Aleksandr Dugin's left hand (Cristian Derosa)

Published on 20 Oct 2023 / In Other

Dugin's left hand
Behind the symbolic and traditional rhetoric, the preferred ideologue of the right and left has an unpopular connection
by Cristian Derosa
Since the ideologue Aleksandr Dugin began to be courted by the right and the left in Brazil, many people who know the doctrines he professes have been scared. After all, he is a former promoter of Aleister Crowley's work in Russia, creator of the Nazi-inspired National Bolshevik Party, son of a KGB agent and author of the most influential work in the Russian military academy. But this is only what is widely known.
Suddenly, this was the man who began to be called upon to talk about “tradition” and on whom all the chips seemed to be being bet against hegemonic Western globalism. We have already talked about which tradition Dugin is affiliated with. But it's time to be even clearer.
After giving an interview to the Estúdio 5º Elemento channel, linked to financial speculators and other right-wing influencer gurus, Dugin appeared on the Worker’s Party website Brasil247, whose columnist is the leader of the Duginist movement New Resistance, Raphael Machado. Likewise, Breno Altman, known for his website Opera Mundi, formerly financed by George Soros, complained about a Worker’s Party “ideological patrol” that was preventing him from interviewing Dugin. Altman is known for interviewing José Dirceu and leaders of the national and international left, always in a strategic think tank to think about alternatives of interest to the left.
It is not strange for leftists to link up with Dugin, after all, the Russian is a devotee of the entire metaphysical tradition that built the revolutionary mentality, as we will see. For Catholics, however, this becomes more problematic. After all, we are talking about an ideologue who openly defended the destruction of Catholicism in Poland by strengthening Freemasonry in the country. This is the universe that supposed Christians are entering to “fight globalism”. But the fight against globalism, according to Dugin, must be carried out “by organizing murders, sabotage and fires”.
Said Dugin in a chilling interview:
“Catholicism must be destroyed from within, and to do this we must strengthen Polish Freemasonry, support certain decadent secular movements, promote a heterodox and antipapist Christianity. Catholicism can never be absorbed into our tradition unless it assumes a nationalist and antipapist character. If Poland had a lodge like the Irish Golden Dawn, with leaders like William Butler Yeats or Maud Gonne, who were Catholics but also fanatical occultists inspired by Celtic culture, then there might be some hope in Polish Catholicism.… These people would be able to tear down Catholicism from within and redirect it towards something more heterodox and even esoteric. My friends in Poland tell me that all their groups have links to Telema or the ideas of Aleistair Crowley.”
To understand a little about the ideas of this mysterious Russian with the face of Rasputin, it is necessary to probe the spiritual roots and the path through which Dugin became a “good option” for both the right and the left. This involves a lack of knowledge about what Gnosticism is, a set of doctrines that encompass Western and Eastern esotericism. This is, therefore, the tradition that Dugin used to enter politics and promote the combined immanentization of several regional eschatologies to instrumentalize them in the service of Russia. This is the traditional way of creating revolutionary ideologies, according to Eric Voegelin, an author widely promoted by Olavo de Carvalho, but apparently still unknown to conservatives.
What is Gnosticism?
There are two currents in esotericism called the right-hand path and the left-hand path. Both are considered branches or paths of the same trunk of Gnosticism, a syncretic current according to which the material universe was created by an imperfect emanation of the supreme God called demiurge, to imprison man by depriving him of the divine spark, which would make man as God. To free him, the Serpent offered the forbidden fruit (disobedience) as a path to achieving gnosis, which is the knowledge of this divine nature in man: the knowledge of good and evil.
Therefore, since the main path of gnosis is knowledge, it can be reached through a large number of secret paths, grouped into two main strands, that of the right and left hands. But what do they indicate?
The right is the branch of asceticism, that is, the liberation of the material world through its negation. The left, also called Via Sinistra, is based on the affirmation of everything based on individualistic criteria, of use and abuse of the material world with the aim of its destruction. It contains the satanist doctrines par excellence, based on the principle “Do What Thou Wilt”. It is the path of esoteric individualism, sexual magic, including drug use and all sorts of sensitive extremes.
The right-hand path is defined as a “traditional” Gnostic current, in the esoteric sense of association with traditional religions, albeit in a Gnostic key, which seeks self-knowledge, self-denial and asceticism, but also associated with altruistic objectives or supposedly virtuous. Also called white line magicians, or white lodge, they include healing practices and protective magic. Despite this, however, the differences are subtle and ambiguous from a Christian point of view.
After all, it can be said that globalism, due to its pacifist ideology, would aim for an ascetic method of collectivism, against all forms of greed and enrichment, etc., common rhetoric in Marxism. Ecologism also supposedly brings it closer to a naturalistic doctrine, a peaceful neopaganism, the traditional “peace and love”. This indeed relates to the right-hand path. However, as we know very well, this is deeply misleading, since it is the culture of death that results from the identitarian and deeply individualistic ideologies of feminist theses of globalism.
This is evident since both paths seek contact with what occultists such as Kenneth Grant call the “individual hidden god”, also known as the “power of the subconscious”, according to Carl Jung.
In general, although authors such as René Guénon violently criticize left-hand currents, he himself was part of non-traditional groups (in his sense of the term) in the past, having later reneged and attacked what he considered “counter-initiation”. . The ambiguity of Guénon's condemnation of occultism, however, could be the subject of another article. Therefore, the right-hand path is always a very common disguise for very different practices that, at the very least, serve as a lure for an egocentric search for a personalized spirituality, even if it is nourished by altruistic marketing on social networks of “systemic coaches”. of the new era.
All the spirituality of the new era, which dominates modernity, disguises itself very well with a garment linked to the path of the right hand, with a white thread, hiding under a veil of good vibrations the deep spiritual abyss into which its naive curious people sink through orientalist aesthetic exoticisms or scientific rhetorics. Dugin is no different.
An example of the left-hand path is Dugin's own “former guru”, the British wizard Aleister Crowley (initiated in the same Masonic lodge as Guénon, an intriguing coincidence). Crowley advocated practices of sexual magic and even pedophilia, drug abuse and all sorts of extremes to generate, as he called them, “spiritual companions”, which in Guenonian jargon can be called psychic residues. This is what we Catholics call evoking demons or “subtle forces of nature” for one's own benefit, that is, in a practice of hedonistic individualism, which can also be associated with political practice — the struggle for power.
Dugin is closely associated with the left-hand path. This is proven not only by the logical conclusion of his practices and dissemination of contradictory beliefs, but by his own words.
Perennialist traditionalism was, for a long time, Dugin's calling card to access the highest spheres of power in Europe, thereby forging the very European right that is now in his hands. Then, his adherence to Heidegger was understood as a departure from traditionalism. However, this perennialism remains the metaphysical basis with which the Russian spreads his left-handed counter-initiation. For him, the best interpreter of Guénon is Herman Wirth, the creator of the Nazi SS, a connoisseur of the Germanic past and a faithful guide, according to him, in the rescue of local traditions for political instrumentalization, a characteristic mark of the opportunist chaos of the left hand.
In a text entitled “The Gnostic”, published in Brazil in 2012 on the website Legio Victrix, a traditional supporter of the ideologist, there are no doubts regarding adherence to the left-hand path, even adopted by Hitler when presenting to the world the emblem of the “sinistrogyre swastika ” which indicated the direction taken, which was understood by the entire world of esotericism and occultism.
So that there is no longer any doubt about left-hand Gnosticism, we can read in Dugin's own words, in his text presented here in full, in which he conclusively considers that: “only this path is the only and true one”.
Humanity has always had two types of spirituality, two paths – “Right Hand Path” and “Left Hand Path”. The first is characterized by a positive attitude towards the surrounding world, the world is seen as harmony, peace, balance, kindness. All evil is seen as a particular case, a deviation from the norm, something dispensable, transitory, without deep transcendental reasons. The Path of the Right is also called “The Path of Milk”. It does not hurt the person, it preserves them from the radical experience, removes them from the immersion in suffering, from the nightmare of life. This is a false path. It leads to a dream. Whoever follows it will not get anywhere...
The second path, the “Left Hand Path”, sees everything in an inverted perspective. Not “milky tranquility”, but black suffering; not the silent calm, but the tortuous, headlong drama of a harrowing life. This is “The Way of Wine”. He is destructive and terrible, anger and violence reign there. For those who are following this path, all reality is perceived as hell, as ontological exile, as torture, as immersion in the heart of some inconceivable catastrophe originating from the heights of space. If in the first way everything seems so good, in the second – very bad. This path is monstrously difficult, but only this path is true. It is easy to stumble upon it, and it is even easier to perish. It doesn't guarantee anything. He doesn't tempt anyone. But only this path is the only and true one. Whoever follows him – will find glory and immortality. Whoever resists – will conquer, will receive the prize, which is larger than life.
Like every Gnostic, Dugin brings the promise of “liberation”, which was the basis of Soviet expansionist policy, through the spread of movements such as the Palestine Liberation Organization, the National Liberation Army and, within Catholic doctrine, theology of Liberation. This word, so dear to revolutionaries since the French Revolution, comes from the Gnostic belief itself, in which the Serpent is the great symbol of knowledge, the main means of redemption for humanity represented by the enslaved, imprisoned in this world of illusions, in this matrix.
Speaking of The Matrix, it is no coincidence that one of the most persuasive slogans among the QAnon right has been the term “redpill”, in reference to the film and its promise of liberation from the lures of reality. Gnosticism imprinted in the cultural imagination of the West, through popular culture resulting from the slow absorption of orientalist beliefs, is easily activated by the Duguinist seduction that will lead everyone to line up in Prometheus' chains, in the final conflict that will drag souls to hell, finally seen as “liberation” from God.
We have not forgiven anyone, we have not forgotten anything. We have not been deceived by changes in the social scenario and political actors. We have a very good memory, we have “very long” arms. We have a very strict tradition. Labyrinths of life, spirals of ideas, vortices of anger. (Dugin the Gnostic)
The gateway to the Lovecraftian abysmal pit, whose knowledge drives madness, is guenonism, the studies of comparative religions without a clear criterion, maintained by young people lacking meaning and tradition, fatally led to a simulacrum of tradition that falsifies the true one at the same time. offer a false benefit: knowledge.
It doesn't matter if Dugin is rejected by the so-called Guenonian traditionalists. To allege a disagreement, even a metaphysical one, is to ignore the way in which ideologists act and to ignore the basis of the chaos so blatantly professed, not only by Dugin, but by all who choose evil as a way to stop another evil. This route, whether right-hand or left-hand, has no return.

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