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All About the Paradox of Falling Female Happiness

Published on 26 Dec 2023 / In Film & Animation

This upload really show's the Paradox between Males and Female. Female CANNOT survive without, that is nature and they the fefail is destroying itself for a lost non existant cause. It is ALL out of SPITE and jealousy they cant be like MAN, the result of their ignorance is THEY not MEN who are doomed to fail. After War and desaster it is MEN who have always rebuilt society or Civilization, This is not going to happen this time round because REAL MEN are no longer going to be abused for CUNT's that really don't care about us. Before anything can be rebuilt women will have to place themselve back with "Humble Pie", but what logical rational MAN is going to even believe them? that's their first fefail action they have to conquoe, proving to MEN they are Truthful? Well Whores good luck fixing that one! lol! Meanwhile MEN Walk away and thrive if they keep pussy out of it. where is our insentive to procreate anyway, apparently the population of this placde is to big anyway, so why procreate anymore other than in a Dluder ideal of pleasure? Until women make a positive un selfish move, MEN cannot or will no longer be used to rebuild. I'm old I'll be dead in a few years so why the fuck should I even think of doing anything for these monster's who are trying to destroy MEN and our way of life? I'm GLAD beyond all belief women are MISERABLE, because they and they alone bought it on themselves and MEN have move on and don't want to even know.

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Councilof1 12 months ago

My favorite quote about money "happiness in the abstract; he, then, who is no longer capable of enjoying human happiness in the concrete devotes himself utterly to money." Arthur Shopenhaur.

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Councilof1 12 months ago

Freedom is an interesting concept. As far as I can tell we're all subject to tyranny. Whether it's the tyranny of man, nature or death. Essentially we're the offered a choice between tyranny. Pick your poison carefully.

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mrghoster 12 months ago

@Councilof1: Freedom is a multi faceted thing, it depends on what you consider to be Freedom even in a time of tyranny. People who live in tyranny and let it make them FEARFUL are not free they are prisoner's but those that can move or adapt within it are in a form of FREEDOM. Yep no one is truly free, not even politicians and despot's alike.

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Mustang 12 months ago

"A wise woman builds her house but the foolish tears it down with her own hands" King Solomon Proverbs 14.1 NASB

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mrghoster 12 months ago

Good ol' Solomon. I often turn to his wisdom for answer's.

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mrghoster 12 months ago

Women always want to have the cake and eat it, even if the green mold is growing from it!

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mrghoster 12 months ago

Bot Voices are getting better but this one does have a few issues ! LOL!

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Councilof1 12 months ago

Some of them definitely use interesting pronouciation .

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