( almost ) NO Almonds in Almond Milk - 25 grams typically.
Published on 06 Mar 2025 / In
Film & Animation
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I did all the calculations on Sanitarium Australia - Almond Milk - and your right - I recall it's about 25 grams a liter of almonds. I mean for fucks sake, I think that is about 5 to 8 almonds (depending on their size).
If you want decent nutrition, just go buy a kilo bag of them and have one or two handfulls a day. Paying $12 for a kilo is better value than paying $5 a liter for 6 of them.
The secret to making milk is to grind the almonds into an ultra fine suspension - that will stay in solution for 5 minutes before settling out - other than that - it's basically shit.
You need a mortar and pestle for the air-born dust level of particulate size.