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Alpha Male CRUSHES Feminism on live TV

Published on 13 Oct 2023 / In Entertainment

@AnthonyDreamJohnson on GMB #alphamale #realtalk #alphamalelifestyle #alpha #alphamalemotivation #piersmorgan #feminism

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Anthony Jphnson - you did a real lot of really nasty shit to a lot of decent guys...

Acting like you never did it, isn't owning it.

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Heavyhand 1 year ago

What is the speaker involved in some kind of scam?

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@Heavyhand: Anthony Johnson - I found him to be a particularly evil and manipulative shit, who got 3 of his drug fucked buddies, to perform character assasination jobs on 3 different men, who were on this and other sites. Johnson essentially loaded the gun and got his arsehole stooges to fire the bullets. It was really fucking low, it was really nasty and it was totally uncalled for. It's a really sick and twisted kind of mind fuckery. AND I stood up to everyone in the 21 convention manosphere and said, "If your allowing this shit to go on from Johnson and your not saying or doing anything about it, it makes you just as bad as him" - and they all eventually revolted and evolved it into something else... and Johnson has been left standing all by himself with his thumb up his own arse. It's like a real sickness of the mind...

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Toki 1 year ago

@Heavyhand: Anyone online asking for your money is a scammer. 20 years ago or so we used to warn people not to donate money to anyone online. Now look at the inflation and unemployment numbers. It's a digital welfare state but men are abusing it now as well.

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