Amazing Repair The Car Broken Rim See How Are Repaire Old Rim
Published on 03 Apr 2023 / In
Film & Animation
Amazing Repair The Car Broken Rim See How Are Repaire Old Rim
How to repair alloy rim
Restoration old alloy rim
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These guys appear to be very good at this.
However the practice in the west is to junk the wheels because
a) no one wants to pay for the cost of the repairs AND
b) there might be unfound faults / cracks in the welds / rims AND
c) the repaired rims, I would say would be fine for around town driving speeds - say 60 Kmh.... but they are not speed rated, crack tested and the metalugical properties of the welds might not be so great....
So doing 200 Kmh on them, or doing anything much more than shopping tolley acceleration and cornering on them - would be taking your life in your hands.
I'd still buy them for an around town taxi or similar.....