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Amazon's Fallout is a Glorified Humiliation Ritual

Published on 13 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation

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sbseed 10 months ago

well fucking DUH!!!!

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soloswords2019 10 months ago

Thanks for the heads-up; I was wondering how the show would "really" be presented.

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sauger1001 11 months ago

Was this a "Sweet Baby Inc" production? Just asking for a friend (Popp/Blake). Lol!

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WMHarrison94 10 months ago

It was Amazon... do they need to outsource? I mean Return of the Kangz with the Rangz of Power .. need we say more? They managed to do what Bob Iger at Disney f as

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WMHarrison94 10 months ago

What Iger to do, piss off the whole fandom...

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KEEPER 10 months ago

Probably not specifically them, however it was probably handled by some kind of diversity bullshit agency, sweet baby ink is only one of the many heads of the Hydra, they're the one that we are all pointing out right now, but they are only one small fraction of that same Black Rock ESG circus apparatus.

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Toki 10 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Another Envious creation with seething jealousy of white folks and their creative fictional worlds. Meanwhile the Kangz make really annoying music and that's all they have to offer. I guess you have all those black comedies but you need to be black to really understand them. They should focus on their talent of BBQ restaurants because that's good food and positive culture.

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sbseed 10 months ago

basically, since it is spamizon horseshit.

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WMHarrison94 11 months ago

Wow... I was going to watch it, but I never played the games, I watch my nephew play them. Oh God, give me more propaganda! said Nobody before...Well, I guess the sex scene might be good... Tell me, where is there a true capitalist country today?

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KEEPER 10 months ago

I mean let me just say this for example, I do like the games, I even like Fallout 4 which a lot of other fans don't like because well it is kind of woke, it's not as up front about the wokeness as some other games they've been making, but it is still fairly woke, and I hate to admit that because I do like the game outside of the woke garbage, I like what the game offers in something you can only get through Bethesda game, I've never been able to get this type of experience in any other game engine within the last decade, I think some games come close but not close enough, for example what's use cyberpunk, that game is great, but it's still not a good enough sandbox in my eyes, it has potential to be that, but it's just still very limited in that aspect to where you could do anything you want in the game, but cdpr has improved from what they used to be, they used to make it so you could mod your game but it was very limited because they didn't have modding tools like Bethesda with their creation engine modding tool, however since cdpr has become a bigger company, they have dedicated themselves to creating those amazing mod tools in order to make some of that replayability more possible than before, so it's gotten a little bit better from the old days, you see when I first started playing Witcher 3, I love the game as is, but I did want to modify it because there were certain things that I didn't necessarily like about the game and gameplay, and I found some mods that helped remedy these issues, but these mods were still very limited in scope of what a Bethesda came had available to it, but now they've released a modding tool so the community can modify their games even further, and in many ways they have come very close to the modding scene of Bethesda games, now I haven't seen anyone release a quest mod for cyberpunk, but then again I haven't been playing cyberpunk for the past year so maybe there's something up there I don't know about, most of the time it's little things here and there that are added to the game Cool Stuff cool capabilities which is fine,. But I'm hoping for a hell of a whole lot more on Bethesda levels of modding and capability of sandboxing.

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Toki 11 months ago

There's a good indie show called Nuka Break on YT. It has Vic Migonia in it. It would even rate it above the cartoony Fortnite 4 (cough, cough Fallout 4), and scam 76 online disaster Fallout I never wanted.
I enjoy the classic trilogy, 3, and New Vegas. That's it. It ends with New Vegas but there's so many mods for all 5 games it's basically unlimited content. I really like the visual style of the classic three games. I have HD res mods. So it looks even sharp and the map view on screen is larger. You know when you mod older games and the playable game screen doubles in overall size? It's beautiful. The UI menus get a little small but I have hawk eyes so it's all good.
Also my FO 3 and New Vegas have titty mods. This show will have zero fanservice despite having the opportunity with the skin-tight vault suit on women. All the attractive women are on OnlyFools and such instead of acting in the industry. Ironically they cosplay vault suits in a skimpy fashion proving what sells.
For example the top part of the vault suit should be open and exposing cleavage like my game mods. As well as more feminine skimpy combat armor and female form power armors. It's more sleek and has a tight nanosuit midsection and thighs so it's not 100% metal armor. You see for females less overall coverage of armor on the body and fanservice skin/curves showing = higher defense. It also makes money because anime gives us this. Everyone is enjoying that instead.
Plenty of similar shows as Fallout for anime. Not exactly, but similar situations. For example in World's End Harem I found it amusing that all the men have been dead. So the cities fell apart like Fallout. Because men aren't around to fix everything. Now that's based and realistic. Not really like Fallout, but it's hilarious. I found that something like Gurren Lagann is a bit like Fallout. The planet and underground survivors. They use big power armor.

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