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Amazon revokes the concept of owning books - can edit books you already bought - PIRACY IS THE ANSWER

Published on 20 Feb 2025 / In Film & Animation


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BlindSwordMaster2 16 hours ago

What amazon is doing is f*cked up

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Somedays - I think about some things..... I hate some digital stuff - especially E books and the systems and hardware they run on. A real book made from paper, a PDF that can be printed out - or forget it. This bullshit about editing the books, AFTER you have purchased it, doing all these lefty retard changes...... I actually purchased the REAL book - Mein Kampf - but it was the UK version produced by Russian / Communist fucktards, and it was seriously screwed up in production, publishing and the content was fucked..... and it was an insane read...... BUT 30 or so years later I picked up the Ford Translation and it is a seriously decent book...... AND I saw the mind fuckery in all the re-edits and changes and it smacks of the JEW ( communist / bolshevick / zionist ) mind fuck bullshit.... Both in when you get a DECENT book, then they fuck with the contract to supply the book - as it was written, and then the mind fuckery of all the changes they make to the book.....

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