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American hacker hacks billboard to say - Death to Israel

Published on 23 Feb 2025 / In Film & Animation


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ArgonRaysabre 1 month ago

It seems this new generation isn't falling for the Israel propaganda machine.

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We (me) have been SO brainwashed with the JEW propaganda - It's when you start to HEAR about how the JEWS in Russia exterminated 20 million (overthrowing the Czar), and had infiltrated Europe and were working on overthowing all of Europe and how Adolf Hitler united Germany and stood up to the "International JEW" - being Stalin and co..... AND how they tortured the people at Nuremburg to make confessions etc.... That when the preface to, "Inside The Third Reich Memoirs by Albert Speer" ------ You Can HEAR the JEW mind fuckery in action.... AND you can hear their meddeling all throughout what is alledged to be Speers memiors ---- Slagging Adolf off at everyu opportunity and nuance. The homogenised, consistency of the stories about the Nazis and Adolf Hitler and their WAR CRIMES - but these fucking JEW cunts, have been concealing EVERYTHING they have been up too AND there is a fucking lot of it, AND they have also hidden the stories of the people of Germany of WW2 etc. The hallmark of a deceiver, is the one sided story..... The JEWS lie about everything, and they bury the information, being the truth, people standing up for themselves, and people who have the abilities and the resources to expose and confront them. The people of Germany have been silenced and their stories - the JEWS have tried to bury and ERASE.... The JEW are hiding their crimes against humanity.

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sauger1001 1 month ago

Looks like digital signs made it easier to change them, as opposed to the old way, where you'd have to actually do some work to change them by climbing up the ladders, one at a time. HaHaHaHa!

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