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American Society is Mentally Ill. The Introvert is Sane

Published on 22 Nov 2023 / In Film & Animation
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mrghoster 1 year ago

I'm NOT religious but I really do think that "TECH" has become the "Anti Christ", because every part of it seem's to destroy eventually rather than help matter's? Just my thought, The Mark of the Beast in the Palm is the mobile phone devises that although useful every fucking MORON seems to have in their hand all the time. Is it any wonder that humanity is failing because instead of talking to a human face you talk to a voice on a piece of plastic. Personally I don't have a phone, this very PC I built from CRAP out of a dumpster and I use it as Entertainment rather than the be all.

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mrghoster 1 year ago

If you want to see a REAL Insane Mentally Ill society, spend some time in thye UK. THe Government here are psycjotic, have no direction and only think in scamming and finance whilst the normal society is falling apart and it is NOW noticeable when you venture out, you can actually NOW see the damage occurring weekly or monthly. I myself being a Stoic introvert, have biult myself a compfortable Padded Cell to live in but the padding ins on the outside metaphorically speaking that keeps the insane away and I can watch and live a N)ORMAL life for myself. I simple take the view now that we are living in some broken simulation with some sort of virus, and there is one fucking BIG Defrag going on in the background and if you know how PC viruses work as you find the order via the Anti Virus program other parts of your PC can get affected. This is why as the sector's are beiong move to naturally create ORDER it has to poass and effect other sector's? Know what I mean. So this is why everywhere we have the "CRAZY" and MENTAL ILLNESS in this SICK world not just America. Ther safest way to stay SAFE is to avoid it all, Keep and ear and an eye in what's going on but adapt around it by keeping you eyes open and mouth shut. I personally think that 99% of the CRAP and THREATS we here are simple insane scare mongering and so just look back at history and all the previous CRAP, NON of it EVER happened. If it ain't your concern leave it alone - It DOES go away. Live for the moment and stop worrying about the future and forget the past's trauma's learn from past mistakes so you can live in the NOW peacefully, that's what I do and I'm very happy.

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