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Published on 15 Jun 2021 / In Film & Animation

Found this in passing and thought it would be worth a psot. Thischannel is an American in the UK and this jlady now lives here and has don'e thes view on UK Culture as she experiences it? Now I'm MGTOW Monk so fefails don't really gain any ground with me, BUT just look at thiis women's face when she see's the IOM TT rider's in action. It's an expression I have not seen from a fefail in ages? A look od amazement and adoration that say's WOW! cdidn't even know fefail faces could make such HUMAN expressions anymore! lol! In Caser anyone is interested in her qquestions in the clip. The spoeed is over 200 mph, and the guy in the sidecar hangs out to counter balance the turn's in a sidecar race.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 4 years ago

This is a waste of time. Whamen babbling about men's activities... Just NO.

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AvyScottAndFlower 4 years ago

Props to those dudes but I'd never get on a motorcycle

I've seen too many dead motorcyclists with a white blanket on top, on the streets where I live (big city).

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mrghoster 4 years ago

I've ridden Motorcycles since 1972, I mean I RIDE them not behave like a total DICK like many do? I'm a Motorcyclist NOT a biker, and there is a big difference usually your life span!

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@mrghoster: "Mr Ghoster" = Grumpy Old Cunt = "Oh those bloody kids of today- did you see that fucking shit head, he was doing 10 miles an hour over the speed limit down our street! What's this world coming too? The kids of today - Raaa Raaa Raaa". What? Just like you when you were his age?

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 4 years ago

So did I. So was I on the ground. But I also broke my foot walking out the door. Should I never leave the house again? I got food poisoned multiple times. Should I not eat anymore? You get the idea. If it's not for you, ok, babysitting is not for me either, or golf... I've seen people lose their teeth on the golf course. Death comes when it needs to come. It takes from your mental health every time someone close to you goes by doing something you enjoy, but also when cancer takes them prematurely. Babbling myself now...

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 4 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson:in my twenties I had to save money as I could. I spared the front tyre as much as possible. It hurts my soul to see the youngsters today riding those ridiculous electronic (highly dangerous) scooters, not scooters but that's what they call it, the ones they stand. In my teens the school parking was filled with motorcycles, ok small cc, but almost all would do over 90km/h. No one got hurt then. Later, when the jump to over 200km/h came... it is what it is.

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@TheManInside: Yeah the rice burners that went real fast and didn't corner so well... Kanofsaki 900's etc. Everyone ought to be restricted to derated single cylinder 350cc Royal Enfields, with long strokes and big flywheels, - that barely wheeze up to 70 miles an hour

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 4 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: One of the problems I had, and for sure not the only one, were bad brakes. And still today new motorcycles don't have as good as they should have. Also important is the amount of shitty tyres available. Someone on a budget may fall for it. I don't buy crappy rubber, not worth the risk.

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@TheManInside: The Bridgestone Rim Protectors.... Me and and a friend were going along the Great Ocean Road, with him as the pillion, and we came flying up this long slow rise and there were the first women in bikinis I had seen for a long time on the side of the road..... so I had a look... a good look, and then I found myself in the start of a 25Kmh reverse hair pin corner, doing like 90Kmh, and the BIG BMW R100 GS Paris Dakar (giant motorcross bike sort of) - well there was an Armco Barrier, 2 feet of dirt AND a straight drop off a 200 feet cliff on the other side of it, or there was getting around the corner... and I heeled that fucker RIGHT over and the fold up peg was coming up and kind of crushing my left foot between it and the gear box - but because it had really good Pirellie tyres on it, the bike had a lean angle about 8* or 10* further over than the best super bikes of the time.... AND we made it around the corner.... and lucky there was no cars coming the other way..... I think this is the corner, but the Safety Sallies have been doing a lot to make the famous tourist road, less of a death trap and to remove all the hook turns and high cliff areas... Now they grind and blast more out of the mountains to make the road have shallower turns and they turn all the death trap corners into tourist scenic areas to park and take photos etc... https://goo.gl/maps/QqXjS6UG1HujzG8ZA I think it MAY have been this corner, if you return the road to the outer edge of the corner, remove the stone wall and put in Armco barrier and you have a dead tight hook turn and a huge cliff drop on the other side.. https://goo.gl/maps/3PKq2DLDGDBSML429

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 4 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: That seems a magnificent place to ride. I was never a fan off pirelli, until now. On both bikes I have pirelli in the front, and Metzeler (aka german pirelli) rear. I've been a Metzeler and Bridgestone adept for many years now. I did try other brands, the only ones I trust are those 3.

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If you ever get the chance to travel "The Wild Dog Road" - it's pretty good. https://goo.gl/maps/ikhKPw2E6PTxWfYu6

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 4 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: probably not mate. Live in the shit hole (€U), and as things go, I'll die before these people allow anyone to leave this horrible place.

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@TheManInside: Yeah the Safety Sallies and the Tourist $$$$ have taken all the life out of that road... In one sense it's a hell of a lot safer and nicer and less like the Patagonian Death Road, but now it's like a tasteless narrow freeway and it has a single, no over taking line, along it's entire length etc... ALL the reverse hook corners have been rounded out and Pffffffff. A guy I knew many decades ago held the unofficial Appollo Bay to Lorn and Return record on a Ducatti SS. Much of the road was INTO the cliff on one side and OFF the cliff on the other side.... A lot of people died on it, trying to be boy racer and add in the need to have really good tyres, total concentration, familiarity with the road and all the unexpected issues like mud slides and rock falls onto the roads in blind corners etc.. Plus it runs along Bass Straight where the Southern Ocean storms funnel between Australia and Tasmania, for some of the worst weather in the world... The wind, the rain, the wind gusts etc.. On a lovely day, you ride like a Sunday Driver / Geeky "Oh Golly Gee - Ain't that purty" tourist....

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 4 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: there's a video I posted where you can see the kind os roads I have around here. There are more, but I obviously ride on the ones I do enjoy. Lots of corners, not that many potholes, very little traffic... Why, the tourists don't know about those places.

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@TheManInside: For some reason I have a crippling fear of high places and steep drops..... The Road to Death in the Andes https://youtu.be/ojLrp2rmh0I?t=720 God fuck....

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Mustang 4 years ago

There is a excellent Isle of Mann TT music video with Wasp's Rebel In The FDG Song playing in the background. Good stuff!!!!

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Councilof1 4 years ago

I've been watching highlights from that race for many years now and it never gets old. I can't even begin to imagine the adrenaline rush. It's not so much the speed as it is the narrow roads. A mistake just might be your last. I've gone that fast in car's on a race track but that's not even close to that.

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hqwebsite 4 years ago

This is hilarious. Her expression. She most probably didn't at least wiki about it first. I have never been to Isle of Man. When I was in The U.K., I knew about the race from the newspaper & I admired their long history of this race. It has become a tradition. Perhaps this woman like cats. There is a breed that probably came from there.


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mrghoster 4 years ago

Ther's a Tail to tell or not as in the case of the Manx Cat! lol!

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