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Americans Refuse to Buy EV’s… Why

Published on 12 Mar 2024 / In Film & Animation

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sauger1001 11 months ago

Who needs nukes, when you have EVs? Just asking for a friend (Popp/Blake).

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"The Flambe` Rocket" - A self guided, spontaneously combusting, cruise missile....

And when your car decides to crash into the arse of a parked truck at hypervelocity speeds - you get a free cremation of you, your passengers and the entire car....

Jesus fuck....

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KEEPER 11 months ago

great point on the cremation, speaking of cremation, i learned recently this is a cheaper option over a burial, with the cost of everything going up, cremation is the way, and with as cheap as these EV's are, people actually might purchase them for this purpose lol, maybe, probably not, but it felt fitting to say this because otherwise these death traps sit and gather dust. it's funny though, because after i started learning about these cars and their issues at one point i thought of war, we could totally use these against the enemy if we wanted to, the battery's when on fire are great for well, cremation or keeping something on fire, let's give them all of our tires as well while we are at it so free cremation and a fire that will burn for weeks and weeks on end and will polute your enviroment like crazy and it will be deadly not only because of the used tires but also the lithium ion batteries and the toxic fumes they produce. hmn, i wonder if they can make a lithium bullet that will ignite on impact, that way people can spontaneously combust, it probably wouldn't work, the gun would likely catch fire first lol.

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@KEEPER: Pack them full of crumbed old car tyres and roll them out the back of the C14's when flying over enemy territory... Oooo bad.

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@KEEPER: It's actually nice to see this monumental fuck up called "Electric Cars to Protect the Environment" crashing and burning - the whole green scam has fallen on its face. Did you see the video I posted about Tucker Carlson....... "Oh the whole galaxy is full of hydrocarbns - fossil fuels... and there ain't no dinosaurs running around in intergalactic space or on the moons of jupiter etc..

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KEEPER 11 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: no not yet, but i will look for it.

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@KEEPER: The Tucker Carlson Encounter - The Truth About Fossil Fuels

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bigintol03 11 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: The Flambe` Rocket" - A self guided, spontaneously combusting, cruise missile.... And when your car decides to crash into the arse of a parked truck at hypervelocity speeds - you get a free cremation of you, your passengers and the entire car....LMFAO!!!!!!!!

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bigintol03 11 months ago

I actually just pissed myself!!!

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@bigintol03: I have these ideas that are living nightmares - like cars like the Tesla - deciding to "self drive" and do it at very high speeds - and you have NO WAY to control it / turn it off.... Now I do a little bit of electrical engineering - and the stupid cunts who manage these companies and do all the design work etc... I'd like to leap upon them - and smash their faces in.... like kill them - for being so fucking stupid - is that they do not have primary circuit breakers from the batteries to everything else.... The humble high amperage knife switch with an arc quenching circuit.... In a plasma state - I have made 45 V DC jump and hold an arc 32 mm long.... Using a BIG high current knife switch with the power bypassing it through a 20W filament light, that stops the voltage rise when the switch is opened but it effectively kills the power to the computer and the motors - by only allowing them to get almost NO power at all...

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@bigintol03: The differences between AC and DC in switches... the AC has a zero voltage point in the alternating current - the DC does not = this is why it needs an arc quenching circuit to stop the voltage rise.

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@bigintol03: And these fucking electric car manufacturers do not include a battery isolating switch... The car goes into run away mode... your fucked - you cannot switch it off.

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