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Amr's Girlfriend Gives Us a Guided Tour of the Pathway to God!

Published on 30 Jul 2022 / In Film & Animation

Actually this Chick is really nice. She likes the place and is quite proud of it, and she wants you all to come so she can show it off to you.
People die getting in and out of the bath. There is far more going on here than just a single slippery step. I shall decline.

Hola amigos y amigas espero les guste este video, en donde les muestro esta sorpréndete ruta en la cordillera de Los Andes, que tiene un muy parecido al de la carretera de la muerte en los yungas, y no se olviden de suscribirse compartir y dejarme un like que me ayuda mucho 👍
amigos no se olviden de seguirme en instagram @cholitaisabel

#cholitaisabel #bolivia #cordilleradelosandes #lapaz

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a123321a 2 years ago

She's saying: I love big papa daddy Amr, a great stepfather to my children, with all my heart"lol. In all seriousness though, her spanish is very clear and relatively easy to understand,. A lot of what she is saying is it's very pretty. She also mentions danger, death, and fear a few times, also look and path" The literal translation of the trail is "The Road of Death";

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Yeah she is really nice actually..... I wonder why people when they move to different climates and locations, they are perpetually evolving.... as a species... this lot in these areas are all very short and stocky - the issue isn't "Yes they have" but "WHY have they?" And that pathway - rocks falling from above - a huge drop below - and a trail that is so narrow, that unless you fall into the ditch, there basically isn't any room to recover...... and did you notice the statue of the bicycle rider - the pose if of a guy going backwards off the cliff.... Ahhhhhhh - as he falls through the air.

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a123321a 2 years ago

Sorry I mean "Road of Death", not "Walk of death". El Camino means "the Road". Camino when it is used as aconjugated verb of caminar (to walk), also means "I walk", FYI

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a123321a 2 years ago

Lol, that headline, pretty epic

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Ugghhhhhh did anyone say, "Rock Falls" or was that "Fall Rocks".......

I am about to die with fright - "Whoooo El Precipita" as she sits on a rock and leans back and looks straight down for a few thousand meters.

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