Thoth the Atlantean fled to Egypt their "Trade Partners" and a black guy American wrote a seeies of books on it: The Emerald Tablet out of Egypt is one of them... it's on my list to buy and read. Tarshish of the Bible where uhm Jonah tries to go until they deep six his ass overboard and the whale swallows him delivering him to Menervah as God El Elohim commanded him to admonish the kings. Jeremiah mentions how Tarshish was destroyed in one day... The whale swallow thing is real: It's happening today. Tarshish is Tartessos which Ptolemy the Geographer (and Librarian of Alexandria) drew on his map where it is today, Spain just past the Pillars of Hercules or Gibraltar.
I don't think this guy is talking about anything Atlantean... this is more the Globohomo gay shot. Break out the AntiChrist? No. I strongly suspect the AntiChrist is s bitch or a tranny since Christ is "The Body" the Word Made Flesh, or simply "our temples." This is gay butt sex societies where the eye in the pyramid is your asshole... just saying. Watch enough porn and you'll see it. The way the hip bones form a triangle and the asshole right inside its center...
Idiots. That Severed head most likely was the Shroud of Turin. Yeah, the French King did not want to pay back his loan from the Knights Templar so he used his puppet Pope to disband and arrest them.
FreeManTV? Damn. That soynds lime a channel worth investigating! And yeah, Atlanteans were real! We call them Minoans, but they were an Atlantean Colony.... and PreGreeks...
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Thoth the Atlantean fled to Egypt their "Trade Partners" and a black guy American wrote a seeies of books on it: The Emerald Tablet out of Egypt is one of them... it's on my list to buy and read. Tarshish of the Bible where uhm Jonah tries to go until they deep six his ass overboard and the whale swallows him delivering him to Menervah as God El Elohim commanded him to admonish the kings. Jeremiah mentions how Tarshish was destroyed in one day... The whale swallow thing is real: It's happening today. Tarshish is Tartessos which Ptolemy the Geographer (and Librarian of Alexandria) drew on his map where it is today, Spain just past the Pillars of Hercules or Gibraltar.
I don't think this guy is talking about anything Atlantean... this is more the Globohomo gay shot. Break out the AntiChrist? No. I strongly suspect the AntiChrist is s bitch or a tranny since Christ is "The Body" the Word Made Flesh, or simply "our temples." This is gay butt sex societies where the eye in the pyramid is your asshole... just saying. Watch enough porn and you'll see it. The way the hip bones form a triangle and the asshole right inside its center...
Idiots. That Severed head most likely was the Shroud of Turin. Yeah, the French King did not want to pay back his loan from the Knights Templar so he used his puppet Pope to disband and arrest them.
FreeManTV? Damn. That soynds lime a channel worth investigating! And yeah, Atlanteans were real! We call them Minoans, but they were an Atlantean Colony.... and PreGreeks...