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ANGRY FARMER - Trimming the ones that no-one else will touch

Published on 27 Jun 2024 / In Film & Animation

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I learned a few things today that MASCULINE MAN IS A REAL APLHA with YUGE BALLS and his knot tying skills are perfect, actually helping the Horse heal from the trauma it suffered from the whores that only want the Horse for its COCK.

Top Fella Good on him it's not a job I would be to thrilled to do and like I said I learned a lot as if it was me I would have lost my temper the moment the Horse started bucking around he stayed calm cool collected and preserved a REAL TRUE ROLE MODEL congrats to him and Thanks Shame for the Upload and sharing. \G/

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Councilof1 8 months ago

I'd love to have a small farm but I definitely wouldn't have horse's. Chicken's and pig's yes, maybe a couple steer's but no horse's thank you. Too much work and too little return unless they were plough horse's. Just my two cents.

On a sidenote you would think horse's would enjoy getting their hooves done.

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Some are a bit wild, others are just bad tempered and some have been treated badly and dislike getting fucked with. Cats are really good teachers like that.... When they have been fucked over they become traumatised and a lot of long term work with them they can become pretty good.....

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Councilof1 8 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Okay that makes sense. No one likes being fucked with. Not even animals.

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