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another retard tic toc influencer fail.

Published on 17 Mar 2023 / In Film & Animation

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bigintol03 2 years ago


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Yeah it is funny - and we are all allowed to do stupid shit.... but getting hit in the throat like that - it might have killed him....

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Well he used to be a stupid cunt, but now he has learned why you do not put your head or delicate and unprotected bits in the rebound or break loose path of elastic tie down straps.... the types that people on motorccles are fond of using....

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Or did it snap..... Yeah if you go full screen and play it at slow speed (.75) until you hear the snap, then pause it and then jump backwards a millimeter at a time, you can see the band snap about 30cm or a foot above his feet, so it hasn't slipped over his toes and slung back at him - it's broken in two and part of it has slung back kind of skimming the side of his neck and the other end has swung around his toes and still swinging wide, it's coming back past the left side of his neck.... no direct to the throat impact.

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Furioso 2 years ago


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It could be..... He certainly went over very fast without a peep.....

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No grabbing his throat and croaking "Ohhh fuck" - as in "Shit that really hurt".... as he goes over...

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There is a thing with ballistics and mass and velocity etc., that the weight of an everage person falling out of bed and hitting the floor is around the same as a .44 magnum bullet hitting someone.... SO a sizeable strip of latext band going full power like a giant sling shot, using the energy of his feet and legs to stretch it - kind of might add a degree of great seriousness it being hit in the throat by the band of latex.... There is the sound of it releasing and then the sound of it going SMACK into his throat and that was a fucking hard hit..... And the throat is a SOFT area that has to be protected from almost all impacts....

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: What I meant was that the mass of an average person - falling out of bed, picks up enough acceleration through gravity, to hit the floor with the same amount of energy as a 44 magnum bullet leaving the barrel of an average hand gun.....

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Without a lot of confounded maths and technical shit - if you fell over from standing up, and landed on a length of steel reinforcement that was say 12mm in diameter and 2 foot long and it speared you through the center of the chest - it would go straight through and out the back no problemo... So a HUGE latex elastic band springing back and letting go - with the force of 2 modestly hard pushing legs, would put into that band, a fairly high amount of potential energy which converts to kinetic energy - which transfers that energy into impact force - over a wider area, but it's still a significant whack when it hits, and if it hit the adams apple - well it could smash the cartliage .....That Whack f the Impact sound was REALLY hard.....

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Or did it snap..... Yeah if you go full screen and play it at slow speed (.75) until you hear the snap, then pause it and then jump backwards a millimeter at a time, you can see the band snap about 30cm or a foot above his feet, so it hasn't slipped over his toes and slung back at him - it's broken in two and part of it has slung back kind of skimming the side of his neck and the other end has swung around his toes and still swinging wide, it's coming back past the left side of his neck.... no direct to the throat impact.

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Longshanks 2 years ago

Looks like it got him in the throat. Perhaps the band whipped his throat tissue thru the adam's apple and against spinal chord. Explains how he seems to have lost consciousness after the impact.

Also that was a retarded exercise for back and glutes. It's much safer to use a contraption called a "roman chair" or hyperextension machine:

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Yeah - your right..... Right in the throat...... Owwwwwwwwwwwwwww........ There is not a lot of mass, and it's not like a hard punch in the throat, but there certainly is a lot of velocity.... and that SMACK when it hit.... Fuck.... Right on that Adams Apple area.... Oooooooo fuck..... It would not be good.

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IF that was a big sling shot band - well it is really - going "Whack" full speed straight into the throat - that actually looks kind of serious.

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Or did it snap..... Yeah if you go full screen and play it at slow speed (.75) until you hear the snap, then pause it and then jump backwards a millimeter at a time, you can see the band snap about 30cm or a foot above his feet, so it hasn't slipped over his toes and slung back at him - it's broken in two and part of it has slung back kind of skimming the side of his neck and the other end has swung around his toes and still swinging wide, it's coming back past the left side of his neck.... no direct to the throat impact.

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Fuck that REALLY would have hurt - especially if it got him in the eyes.....
There is an old rule I invented for "Occy Straps" - or elastic tie down straps with hooks on the ends - to always keep your FACE well out of the "swing around" path - if they come loose or you lose your grip etc.on them. This looks like a wide flat band of latex - none the less - slapping your eyeballs this hard with it sort of bundled up - that will really fucking hurt.....

It would be smarter to do the leg / toe stretches in a way that keeps your FACE out of the line of fire when it does come loose... like around your shoulders.

Or just do stretches when leaning up against a wall....

** Originally one of the early configurations of these, were 4 straps looped through a single steel ring, giving 8 legs, so they were called Octopus Straps - and that got shortened to occy straps and the name stuck, but the 8 leg configuration gradually disappeared from the retail scene, because people generally found that using individual straps - and of different lengths, was better and easier when tying loads to motorbikes etc..

Click on the link for the chart.

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