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Another USELESS woman copper

Published on 18 Mar 2025 / In Film & Animation


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He pulls out a knife.
"Put down the knife!"
Bang - Bang - Bang

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ArgonRaysabre 18 hours ago

Heyyyy...did you just clickbait me, Shane? I mean, female cops are the equivalent of middle school (I think you Aussies call it primary school) athletes, but she did manage to hit the perp. Honestly, I thought the video was going to be her shooting at the perp, missing him, and striking a bystander. Further, I'm absolutley shocked she didn't dump her magazine into the idiot.

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@ArgonRaysabre: Yeah she is too stupid and this bullshit of "Drop the knife!" ---- back step back step back step ----- "Drop the knife!" ---- back step back step back step ----- "Drop the knife!" ---- back step back step back step ----- "Drop the knife!" ---- back step back step back step ----- Well walking backwards while a guy is walking AT you with ever increasing walking speed, the distance is closing etc... and she is still walking backwards.... Naaaaaa, "Drop the knife!" and he keeps coming - one round in each thigh and then aim at his head...... There is a video I reposted and 2 clowns come into rob a shop and one of them jumped behind the counter and the shop owner stabbed him and he was dead in 30 seconds....

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