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Antarctica Scientists Trapped With Lunatic Sexually Assaulting Them

Published on 20 Mar 2025 / In Entertainment

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These are the opinions and ramblings of a foul-mouthed lunatic. They are for entertainment purposes only and are probably wrong. You listen at your own risk.

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MauricioPoole 2 days ago

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sauger1001 2 days ago

Get lost, clown!

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sauger1001 2 days ago

Imagine if they were in space.

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sbseed 2 days ago

a bunch of niggers and one white chick and two sheboons... what could go wrong....
what brilliant 30 pound brain allowed this stupidity in the first place?!...

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Toki 2 days ago

Seriously? Worse than I thought. I figured it was France or Germany. USSA, Russia. But no. S Africa. Maybe leave polar research to Russians or Alaskans maybe? Some Norsemen. Scots, Finns.
That white woman is going to be dead by the time the rescue team arrives. The black woman will have a new haircut trophy looking like the female Predator in a blonde wig.
So many events lately proving how women are completely unsafe additions to most work environments. Stick to the nail saloons at the mall please. Your haircut services. Maid services. Preferably become wives and stay at the home nest homeschooling mothers instead of the easier prostitution lifestyle in all it's forms.
It's already idiotic to go there with modern technology that makes it possible. I wouldn't trust the craftsmanship of the life support systems. Too many things can go wrong. Then you let black men shack up in a remote environ with females. White females. I bet she was two-timing, five-timing all of them while the black women seethes in anger due to lack of attention. Then one dude snapped due to the whole mate-guarding thing. I wouldn't even feel safe being the response team armed with a heli minigun. They better be ready to defend themselves from looters. I'm picturing thrown spears made from piping targeting the heli for supplies.
Meanwhile at a Finnish base with an all-male team of men who don't exactly miss the presence of their entitled women = Some scientific progress is being made hopefully. A Russian base of men. I'm just saying any Northern country and it's an all-male team. Would to love to a decked out Japanese base lol. The entire base's inner walls would be pinups of waifus. No women to complain and get jealous of their replacements.

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Toki 2 days ago

I always knew this would happen. Remember the good old manly film 'The Thing?' Well later on in a remake they had a lame female lead character in the arctic base with all men. Or there may be one or two other women.
I didn't watch the remake by the way. I saw this in a review of the series by TheAlmightyLoli who has some damn good reviews of film and anime. So I basically got the entire remake explained but without having to suffer through it.
Ridiculous. Trapped out in the middle of nowhere and they supposed to be focusing on their scientific works. But no. The entire base will be ruined by tournament mating rituals. Because at the end of the day most humans are horny dogs. Unless every man there is a wise celibate but I doubt that. Of course if they were intelligent enough to be completely celibate they would not have tolerated the idea of women being in a dangerous environment like this. You can't count on women if let's say the heating system fails. The women likely would the ones to break the rules and damage the critically important heating operation to keep them alive there. "I wanted to warm my toes a bit."
I won't even give these male scientists an excuse of being young and naive until age 25. Because I'm sure they are over 25 years old. They should know how stupid and destructive women are anywhere.
"Why aren't Americans having kids?"
Why are women playing scientists? The men do all the work after all.
Maybe you could have the men's wives stay there just to keep their scientist husband clear-headed but let's be be real here. There would be cheating/swinging still.
It's time for the human species to evolve past monkey sex instincts. I already have. My IQ jumped slowly over the years after being done with women. Stopped drinking to be socially viable. Stopped wasting money and resources trying to be socially viable.
Funny how women are "environmentalists" and yet they are the biggest squander-fiends of resources and excess.
"Oh but we need kids for the future generation." The elites are replacing us with tech and robotics if you haven't noticed. Your child will suffer dearly if they have to live through the next tech era. Even now where are they going to work to survive? Do we really need more humans to play enviro-scientists for example? Think of how idiotic they are. Travel and live in the arctic to study polar melting. OK. Pull core samples out of the ice caps to study them. Meanwhile the act of the humans living there requires heating. As well as the removal of the core samples hastening the whole melting ice caps idea. Modern science folks. More like an exotic survival vacation if anything.
At least it was cool in the film 'The Thing.' I remember the bros had some pinups on the walls to handle that obnoxious part of life. You don't need women to urinate either. Send me to the ice base and all I need is a hard drive with waifus. You won't see me tournament-mating for real biowhores who are not beautiful because they are selfish Evil. Just don't mess with my waifus and I'm a great reliable ally. Also maybe don't let women in such a dangerous situation. They are airline pilots now. Look how that works out. Next they will be infiltrating the deep-sea operations and everything will be lost down there as men drown just to let women pretend to be competent adults.

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