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anti-gravity project

Published on 29 Mar 2020 / In Film & Animation

I came across this very interesting video which this cool kind of antigravity project which any goverment doesn't want you to know exists. so how these anti-gravity devices really work is that you take some fero-magnetic fluid and you accelerate it within a rotating electromagnetic feld and it creates a certain electromagnetic frequencies that counteracts the gravitational feld by somehow manipulating the higgs feld that is responsible for gravity since this is one of the secrets mainstream Science wont tell anybody...

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KEEPER 5 years ago

dude. i want to see more videos like this. i love inventions or even mirroring content that has to do with survival stuff. we don't always need to bitch about women all day. we can make this the better version of youtube or rather what it once was..

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

@SentientVerity and @Chainsaw_Bunny I definitely agree which that reminds me. I’m planning on a cool that may a few or even 5 years in the making, But I’ll try to develop quantum portal technologies also quantum duplicator and shrink ray technologies which would also utilize the same portal tech which I will hopefully innovate from scratch secretly at home. So before then I have to first invent the perfect room temperature superconducting electromagnetic material that I will name Teslaghte which I will use to develop thee most powerful yet small and simplistic ultra-hyperpowered particle accelerators which will be capable of even creating microscopic black holes and especially wormholes for these portal technologies by simply smashing photons together into singularities + in order to develop these portals; You would need some magnetic frames to keep the worm holes opened. When the project is complete I will make a video review on it here and I will sell duplicated copies of these technologies that will come in each kit. Which I will only sell them to our community : )

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

Which I’ll sell them all for free : )

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KEEPER 5 years ago

@Shadow Monk: well even if all this was way beyond my understanding. I'm game it you talk about these things. Do you have any projects you are currently working on that you don't mind uploading?

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

not right now but I have it all on paper, it’s gonna take a while before I can really get this project started. I just got to wait for my new computer and supplies.

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KEEPER 5 years ago

i think they got it. now this little device didn't have the same effect of what bob brought up of the gravity field bending and looking invisible, and that's assuming it's the same method. however these flying objects probably need a considerably powerful energy source to remain within hover mode, but it would also need something to control where it goes. i would assume with enough power it could float up much faster and higher. but we still don't know or fully understand how the occupants of these crafts could handle the G-force's.

i think bob explain this, in his new documentary as an effect within the gravity field on the outside and from within. like it also served as a kind of shield from the G-force.

i''m interested in this stuff even though i don't understand it fully.

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