Anti News Items
Published on 22 Jan 2022 / In
Film & Animation
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Cheers. Lol.
Yep she lifted £320 from the local pound store! lol! well that's how it works today! lol! and now she looks like Vlad Putin I would say she is attractive at all, dodgy eye brow again!
Some Femons do burn very bright, when you strap them to a pole and burn the witch! lol! I mean if they bought back witch burning today they would need to keep away from the bonfire because femons todat are so full of SHITE their could be an explosion!
Fuck me, she looks like a Glasgow Docker with a blonde wig on! lol! Just look at those very dodgy eye brows and the yellow teeth! It wont last long and when he is expected to clean her piss and shit up in a couple o years he'll be off if he has any sense! lol!
fuck older women is my style now, they dont want more kids...